Dominant Boyfriend Part 1 - Carla Tsukinami OneShot

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A/N: Translation for the pic: 'The wolf that is engraved on that body of yours, is the symbol that represents you are my wife. Be glad that you are my first woman.' Can't stop loving this guy, please help, enjoy anyway ~ And it is now Male Reader ;) If I want to, I make it angsty.


Third P.O.V

Y/N had everything, a sweet boyfriend, a house to live in, food to eat, friends to talk and hang out with. But one thing annoyed the young boy, the vampire founder himself, Carla, was his boyfriend and was too...overprotective. Sometimes he didn't let out Y/N, locking him up in his room, giving him 'punishments' some time to time. He didn't exactly enjoy it, he wanted freedom, he wanted to be alone.

"Y/N-kun, come here." Carla spoke up in his usual, dark and harsh tone, looking straight at the male who just stepped out of the shower in comfy clothes. Y/N looked utterly confused and walked to him, curious and scared over what would happen, if Carla ever used that tone, he knew he was in trouble. Carla grabbed his hair and pulled him closer, glaring down at him with harsh eyes.

"Where have you been?" He asked and tried to calm down, which didn't really work for him. Y/N looked down at his hands and glanced at the side, being more nervous.

"I was out, seeing my friends." Carla furrowed his eyebrows and pulled him towards their room, throwing him to the bed and pinned him down, staring down at him with wide and angry eyes.

"I told you to stay here, didn't you listen what I told you?" Y/N bit his lip and looked away from him, afraid of saying a word, what was the point of telling if he knew he was in trouble?

"I had to go, F/N had his birthday, I couldn't just ignore him." He defended himself with true words and tried to push Carla away from the harsh grip and the pain he recieved from his boyfriend. Carla's grip got worse and grabbed his shirt.

"You could have talked to me first before you went, do you have any idea how worried I was when you walked out without me noticing?" Y/N felt guilt and looked away in shame, indeed, Carla wasn't that sort of type to get easily worried or concerned, but when it came to the people he loves and cares about, he did get worried.

"I wrote a stupid note who was laying in the kitchen, I was going to call you when I made my way home." He said and pushed him off, finally. Carla tsk'ed and looked away, sighing deeply.

"I didn't see any note, otherwise, Shin may have threw it away from my sight." He mumbled and sat down, it was their anniversary, he didn't want to get angry at him, but at some point, he couldn't help it, really. Y/N sighed before getting up from the bed, looking down at the ground. Carla played with the box, with the promise ring inside of it, he glanced back at the male before getting up and walked to him.

"Look, I am sorry to be angry at you, Y/N-kun, I was just...worried." He mumbled and closed his eyes while hugging him. Y/N pushed him away, looking down at the ground while the tears was falling down from his eyes. Regret and guilt.

"You never make me go out to see my friends, you always lock up me in your room, you never let me go out until I get your permission, I am sick of it and I am sick of you, good bye, Carla." He spoke up before picking up the bag from the floor and left the mansion. Carla was speechless, he didn't move from his spot and faced the ground, Y/N was right, the vampire always locked him up, he always gived him punishments, what kind of boyfriend does that anyway? Maybe no one, maybe he was the only one?

Hey, everyone cx I am soooooo sorry for not updating for like forever ;w; You know the usual stuff, school, tests and all that, so I am very, very sorry >.< Gomenasai ~ Anyway, I hoped you like this part, if you want some more, make sure to leave a bottom below, take care <3 ~

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