OneShot; Subaru - A Surprise

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A/N: Someone requested a oneshot about our sweet, youngest tsundere, Subaru xD I will try to write in your p.o.v, okay? See ya and enjoy ;3


Your P.O.V

You tried to get away from him. Him, you refer him as Subaru Sakamaki. Yes, you were indeed chased by him. You tried to cheer him up, which led him to be pissed instead. Now you were hiding somewhere "safe" from him, but you knew very well he'll find you sooner or later. Recently, Subaru has avoided you for some random circumstances and reasons, but you never knew why. That's why you tried to cheer him up, which led you into this mess. You crossed your heart and begged for God, this wasn't supposed to happen, but it did anyway.

"Y/N! I know you are in here!" You could hear the younger brother's voice from a distance, caused you to shiver. You didn't want to be found, you knew what would happen if he found you.

"Y/N..." He said again, but more pissed than earlier. You held in your breath and pushed yourself back towards the wall of the warderob. From some random hide-place, it had to be the church. You thought it would effect the vampire, but god, you were so wrong. The footsteps were coming closer to the place you were in. You shut your eyes and looked away from the door. The door opened and you met pair of ruby-eyes. You swallowed your shriek and tried to push him away when he lifted you up from the wooden floor.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, just please, don't kill me!" You begged while you covered your eyes and being prepared for the worst. Suddenly, you felt his cold hand caress your cheek, you, being shocked over his reaction, stared at him.

"You...are not going to kill me?" You asked slowly. He looked at for a moment and chuckled.

"No, your knucklehead." He patted on your head and released your collar, but laid his hand on your neck. You felt scared and looked back at him.

"Just need a little sip from your blood." He mumbled and leaned closer, feeling his lips on your s/c skin. You swallowed again and yelped when he bit softly through. You felt his arms wrapping around your waist and pulled you closer, which caused his fangs digging deeper into your skin. You hugged his jacket with one of your free hands.

"S-subaru, i-it hurts." You managed to say and looked towards him with blurry eyes. He pulled back and licked away the remains of your blood.

"There, now, for the surprise." He said while leaning closer.

"Oi! Sub-" You got cut off by his lips on yours. You blushed like a freaking maniac and stared at him. He kissed you for a while and pulled back, smiling down at you. Your cheeks were red, your e/c eyes, half-lidded, looking so innocent to him.

"Follow me." He whispered and teleported to his bedroom.

*Fangirls* Ha, now you got it. Now I am leaving you, blushing like crazy xD Do you want more oneshots? Just write in the comments below and I might update some more. Hoped you liked this chapter, be sure to leave a comment below and take care ^^

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