3 - Flashback #1

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A/N: Well, guys... * Sighs * I know, I know, I am kind of slow to update stories, but I will keep it up, I really promise D: Anyway, here is the chapter that you might like (It will not be so long), so enjoy ^-^ / Sincerely - TOOS cx


Amie's P.O.V ~ Flashback ~

I crossed over the road with the shopping bags in my arms, searched around after dad, who probably stood beside of the car. Since mom died, it was just us left. Dad raised me, took care of me. He really loved me, I took care of him as well. I walked over to our old Mustang, my dad leaned against the car and talked to someone in the phone. I smiled brightly and put the bags back of the car.

"Yes, of course, you can come up to our house whenever you want too." He said and hang up. He laid his phone in his pocket and spun around to see me, he smiled brightly and lifted me up to his arms.

"Every time you smile, lightens up my world." He said and put me down on the car seat, next to his. I giggled and smiled.

"It's my job, right?" I asked confused and tilted my head at the side. He nodded and patted on my head.

"Yes, sweetie, your smile makes everyone happy. And today, we are gonna have a guest around. And she is gonna bring her sons along, so you are getting new friends, right?" He asked and looked at me. I nodded.

"Yes, sir." I did the salut gesture and looked through the window.


I was outside and wrote on my book. Then I heard a car stopped by our house, a woman stepped out of the car, her hair was purple and reached down to her waist, her eyes were green and wore a black dress. After her, three boys stepped out and looked confused around.  Two of them were so like each other, but the other one had red-haired length hair to his shoulders. But the last one had purple hair, like his mother and had purple eyes. He also had dark bags under his eyes, maybe lack of sleep?

"Dad?" I asked unsure when he approached to the lovely woman and her sons. He looked down at me and smiled softly.

"Amie, this is Cordelia and her sons. I talked to her through the phone and asked her to come by for few minutes." He clapped on my head and held the door open for her. She shook her head and looked down at the boys.

"Play with that mortal, okay? I will be back later." She said and walked in with dad after her. The sons exchanged few looks to each other and went back to me. I stood there, like a idiot and held my book close to my chest.

"Wow, you are such a cutie, right, Kanato?" The boy with the long hair approached to me and suddenly stood behind me, playing with my hair. I felt the blush cover my face and looked at the boys.

"W-who are you?" I asked them and knotted my fists together. The one with the teddybear smiled weakly.

"I am Kanato." He whispered and looked shyly away. The boy behind me, leaned closer to my ear.

"And I am Laito and he over there, is are youngest brother, Ayato." He grinned and cooed in my ear. I flinched back and stared at them.

"They are not normal, what are they?" I thought for myself. I realized it would take a long time with dad and the lady, so I kind of guess I need to play with them.

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