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The rain poured above us, as I stood and met Leyla's teary eyes. I let my hand touching her cheek and pulled her into a hug.

"Ayato-kun" She whispered and closed her eyes. I hushed her and lifted her face with my finger.

"What's the matter, dear?" I asked her with a calm voice and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Why, why do you must leave me?" She said so quietly and held in her tears, but it didn't hold much longer. The words I said to her, hurt her so badly, that I regretted it. 

"I have to, if my mother finds out, there is no way, she will kill you for sure and I won't let that happen, I promise, I have no another choice" I replied and bit my bottom lip. She stared at me and nodded.

"You, you are right, Ayato-kun, your mother is abusive and not nice. All she cares about is your uncle." She said and met my eyes once again. I sighed and smiled a little.

"Yes, you are right, Leyla, mother is abusive and that's why I am gonna leave you, I will not let her hurt you." I responded and held her tighter.

"Don't worry, my little rose, everything will be-"

"Ayato! What's all this?" A stern, cold voice appeared behind me, I spun around to meet my mother's hating eyes, along with Richter beside her.

"M-mother!" I stuttered and held Leyla behind my back. She growled quietly and shook her head.

"So this is why you don't study at all? Talking to this mortal thing? Wow, you are really stupid, you know that?" She grinned devilish and waved with her hand.

"Richter, please, finish her now." She ordered my uncle with soft voice and smiled against him. Richter nodded and kissed her hand gently.

"Of course, my dear." He replied and took few steps towards us. I flinched back a little and tried to protect Leyla with my best, but no succeed. Richter pushed me aside and made me fall to the ground. I tried to kick him, but he laid his foot on my stomach and held me against the ground. He took a grip on Leyla's neck and grinned. I shook my head very fast and felt the salty tears, streaming down my face.

"Please, uncle, no, no, please, I beg-!" I got out until I heard the crack after snapping her neck. I stared at the body who fell down in front of me. Her eyes remained emptiness, coldness and stared into thin air, those beautiful blue-coloured eyes slowly turned into grey-like. He finally let me go and saw me crawling to the body, holding her against me. I spun my head around and stared at my mother with anger in my eyes.

"WHY?!" I yelled and stood up on my feet. She just laughed and shrug her arms.

"I had to do my best, darling, you know it? It's a mother's job to keep their sons away from mortal beings." She smiled again and turned around to walk. I stood there, couldn't say anything, when I finally figured it out.

"You, sadistic, abusive bitch!" I almost screamed and raised my hand to punch her, but got stopped by Richter, by spinning my arm very hard. I held my tears inside, as well with the pain.

"Baka, you don't realize? Sooner or later, you will be my number one, but you will remain being a useless son to me." She said and disappeared after Richter. I was lost for words and fell down on my knees. The eyelids started to burn and finally streamed down my face, I held Leyla's corpse near me and didn't let her go.

This is so sad :c I mean, stupid Cordelia ;-; I got bored and made a another fanfic :3 What do you think? Please, be kind and leave a comment below and I might do another chapter in the morning ^^ Stay cool and take care x3

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