1 - New Home & First Bite

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Author's Note: I'm taking a pause to More Blood, there is lots of things in my mind right, so yeah, I am writing a new fanfic, including the new DL characters, Shin and Carla, look it up ^^ Sincerely, TOOS :3


 Ayato's P.O.V

Her soft, silky hand against mine when we walked towards the street in the pouring rain. Yui looked up and smiled gently.

"I do hate rain." I sighed and held the black umbrella above us. She just laughed and pat me on the back.

"We are almost home, Ayato-kun." She smiled brightly and moved her eyes forward the streets. I just shrugged my arms and spotted a young girl on a bench, sleeping. I put my arm against Yui to stop.

"What is it?" She simply asked and saw the girl, her eyes were filled with small tears and ran towards the girl, laid her hand on her forehand.

"Oh my god, Ayato, quickly." She said and took the umbrella from my hand.

"Hey, give it-" She gave me a meaning look and looked at the girl.

"Her forehead is very warm and the rest of the body is cold, we need to take her home." She said and helped her up. The girl simply opened up her eyes and tried to gain air.

"Who are you?" She whispered quietly and knotted her hands together. I stared at the girl and shook my head.

"We have no time for that, we are gonna take you home, you are cold and really need to be warm, like taking a bath or something, come." I replied and stretched out my hand. It seemed like she hesitated for moment before grabbing my hand and started to walk. All of us were quiet during the walk. Yui looked at the girl before opened the gate. The girl remained silent and stepped into the mansion.

"Well, welcome to our home." I said and glanced over to the girl. She didn't say anything or didn't move from her spot. Suddenly, she sneezed. I brought up a small smile on my face.

"Aww, so cute, a new guest, ey~?" Laito's chuckle came behind the girl and laid his hand on her hand.

"Knock it off, Laito, she's ill, we found her out in the corner, in the rain." Yui said and gave him a glare. Laito sighed and clapped on the girl's shoulder.

"Very well then, I will leave her be, just for the moment." He grinned and disappeared. I sighed and looked over to Yui.

"Will you fill up the water to this girl?" I asked and gave her a smile. She bowed and nodded.

"Yes, here, come with me." She smiled and pulled the girl up to the room.

Unknown's P.O.V

I saw how the blonde girl pulled me up to the bathroom and filled up warm water in the hot tub. 

"There, whenever you are done, it will be clothes on the bed outside, if you want something, come to the next door where I live." She smiled and walked out. I looked after her and stretched out my arms and took all of my clothes. I felt how the water was and stepped in without noticing that there was a guy there already. I spun my head around and stared at him. He was blonde and had earplugs in his ear. His eyes were closed and he still wore his clothes. No words did not come out of my mouth and laid my hand on his shoulder.

"Um, excuse me, but you are sitting in the bathtub." I said and blushed, I stretched out my hand to reach a towel to cover myself, but got stopped by the boy. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. 

"You are too loud." He said annoyed and pulled his hand through his hair. He was completely nuts for sure.

"Sorry me if I stumbled up on you here, in the bathroom. Please, leave, I need some privacy." I replied and stared at the blonde guy, once again, when I tried to reach the towel, I was pulled towards him. He didn't say a word and stroke away the hair from my shoulder. I was too scare to say something to him, so I held back and shook my head.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked him and hoped for an answer. Still, he said no word and licked my neck. I felt how his teeth brushing against my neck and before I could react, his teeth sank into my neck.

Whoa xD What do you think so far? Let me know in the comments below and take care ^^

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