Broken - Yuuma Mukami OneShot

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A/N: Haven't updated this for like 4-5 months, sorry for that ;-; Anyway, this one-shot...Kill me if you want too, I think you are going to cry a lot :c Maybe not too much, maybe a bit, maybe your heart will be broken as well xc

N/N = Nickname. Well, enjoy :/ ~


Your P.O.V

You were in the classroom, waiting for your boyfriend, Yuuma, to arrive. Yet things has been slight tough because Yuuma is quite over-protective. Yes, he is 1.90 m tall, hot tempature and a extreme pervert. (He loves to tease you though ;3) Ofcourse he was. But you wanted this to be over, he was over-protective, but it was enough, last time, you talked to a boy, which was your friend, Yuuma came and pulled you away from there, not leaving a last word. Even though regret starting to form in your throat, you had to say it's over between you two. You couldn't take it anymore. You wanted some space, but Yuuma didn't allow you too, so yes, there is your reason for this.

The door slid open and Yuuma walked in with his usual bored expression, plasted on his face. He looked so serious, but could be sweet sometimes. Just sometimes when he is with you. You started to hesitate over this thing, but it has to be done.

"Is everything alright, N/N-chan?" He asked in a worried tone and walked towards you. Your heart sped up a bit and you looked away in guilt. His hands were in his pockets and waited for the answer. It had to be done, just say it.

"It's over..." You mumbled and looked down to face the floor. Your soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend looked at you very confused.

"What do you mean with 'It's over'?" He started to be very worried and stretched out his hand to touch your cheek, but you pulled yourself away without knowing about it.

"It's over...between us...our relationship..." Your voice started to break, but you tried to stay strong. No need for cry in front of this man. No reason at all. 

Yuuma stopped at his tracks, staring at you, trying to figure this out.

"Wait...Are...we...through?" He asked slowly and faced down to the floor. Your bangs (If you have one, if not, imagine) covered your eyes and tried not to cry.


"For what reason? Have I upset you? Have I done something wrong?" He looked up from the floor and stared right at you. 

"It's because you are over-protective, Yuuma." You said without saying his nickname that you usually say, just to tease him. He looked very dumbfounded, so you decided to move along.

"You never let me have some free time with someone that I am friend with, we are always in your room, you always have me close when we are walking outside and you are taking me away from my friends...Please, stop that!" You yelled at the last part in anger and sorrow. Yuuma brought up his hand to cover his eyes, but you saw how he clenched his jaw in anger. No good. He flipped over tables and blocked you against the wall, staring down at you. Seeing the tears he is struggling to hold back, made your heart break. You didn't want him to be like this.

"Why...why are you leaving me, N/N-chan? Why?!" He cried out and fell down on his knees. You wanted to forgive him and comfort him, but you didn't move a single muscle from your spot. 

"Because...I need, that's all." You said, but the truth was, you didn't want to leave him, but you had to. He cried more and covered his face with his hands, crying.

"Don't leave me...Please...You know I hate to be alone..." He whispered between sobs and looked up right at you. Moments you had passed through his eyes, when you had your alone-time, you always make some snacks and cuddling in the couch or when you helped him with his garden and more...

You knew about his past and the others' as well, he was alone after the fire at his village. Founding himself some place unknown. When he met you, his life changed and he loved you so much, that he wanted to make you his wife. But that idea seemed to be crushed for him.

You unlocked your necklace and looked at it, before dropping it in front of him. You never seen him like this before. He never cried in front of you, but now he did. He looked you, confused and tears streamed down from his eyes.

"...N/N-chan...?" He whispered and looked after you when you walked towards the door, you stopped and looked back.

"I'll always love you, you know that..." You smiled and left the classroom, with that, Yuuma broke down completely, holding your necklace close to his chest and crying out your name.

I am soooo sorry if he's out of character ;-; I didn't want you to cry, but it seemed like I did anyway xc Anyway, hoped you liked this one-shot, I promise to make Azu-chan's one-shot sooner or earlier, want more? Leave in the comments below and take care ^^

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