Special Chapter; Yuma, Gardening

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A/N; *Evil Laugh* Haha xD No, now, chapter with this other handsome perv c:< I don't even know who to pick one of the Mukami, Kou or Yuma ;-; Enjoy this chappy ;3


Amie's P.O.V

I leaned against the sofa and sighed. I was visiting the Mukami and checking how they are feeling. Yuma is still pissed at me though, because I didn't pay any attention towards him (Check chapter 11) I played with my hair when I saw him coming in. He stopped and stared at me, oh boy. I'm screwed for sure.

"Come." He said before walking away. I was confused and looked after him. What? What did he mean by that? Guess I have no choice then. I raised myself from the couch and followed him out.

When I came out, I saw Yuma fixing the garden, he looked so fixated and concentrated on it. I smiled a bit and walked to him quietly. I stopped and looked at him.

"Is it something I can help you with?" I asked and placed my eyes towards him. He looked back and smiled a bit, which surprised me.

"Yeah, would you be kind and help with by picking up vegetables?" He asked and ruffled with my hair. I blushed lightly and looked at the side.

"S-sure, I would love too." I smiled and started to pick up carrots from the ground.

A Bit Later

I placed myself on the ground and breathed out. It sure was hot outside and it was fun to pick up some vegetables with Yuma. But yet, I was confused, why would I help him when he is pissed at me? I glanced at the side and saw Yuma picking up cucumbers. I felt guilty after what I did to him. Not paying attention, but yet, I didn't want him to suck on my blood all the day.

"Amie." He started and looked at me with his hazel eyes. I stopped and met them.


"Thanks for the help. And I am sorry." I saw some red on his cheeks when he looked away. I giggled and smiled at him.

"Don't worry about it, I am fine with it." He looked at me surprised.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and helped him up from the ground.

"Yes, I am, now, let's go inside and make some stew to dinner." I grinned and dragged him in.

This. Is. So. Adorable *w* I ship them so much xD Sorry for not a good plot, but hoped you liked this story, be sure to leave a comment below and take care ;3

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