Broken - Yuuma Mukami OneShot Part 5/Last Part

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A/N: Yep, this is the last part of this oneshot, sorry, but it will end happy as you want it :3 Anyways, enjoy ~


The day of the wedding, Your P.O.V

Time was over. It was too late. You were getting married with Shuu, Yuuma's nemesis, well, sort of. You even invited the Mukami brothers, including...him. You looked down at your (Favorite colour) dress and fixed your hair while you were at it. Few days back, you asked (Best Friend's Name) to be your bridesmaid in honor (Is that how you say so?) 

"L/N, it's almost ready." One of your maids looked through the door and saw you trembling and was very, very nervous.

"Y-yes, I know...I'll come out in a sec." You made a smile and looked at the mirror a last time before you stepped out of the door to be Sakamaki Y/N. Yet you loved Yuuma, it was stupid of you to break up with him. You never realized how much you hurt his feelings. He never called or said anything since that day. It was over, what were you going to do?

Third P.O.V

"Yuuma! We are leaving, are you coming?" Ruki fixed his tie at the door and looked after his younger brother. He came from the stairs and muttered some few words.

"Why do I have follow? Y/N has him now..." He said while putting on his jacket and opened the door. Kou sighed deeply and followed after him.

"Would you stop it, please, Yuuma-kun? Just cheer up, maybe something will happen during the wedding, who knows?" Kou said when he sat down and looked at his younger brother. He huffed and looked out through the window.

"Yeah right." Oh, he had no idea his older brother had so right.

Later, Your P.O.V

Oh, you was so nervous. You held on your dad's arm close and tried to breath calmly. This was it. You have been hesitating for the past few months. But there was no going back, there was people in there, they were going to witness the marriage. You took a deep breath and started to walk towards the altar, Shuu stood there, dressed in his special tuxedo and smiled. Your eyes swam over the crowd and noticed Yuuma sitting there in your surprise. Without him giving a single glance, your heart sank deep down as you reached and grabbed Shuu's hand. 

Skipping becuase I am too lazy ~

"So, Y/N, what's your answer?" The priest and everyone else, even Shuu ande except Yuuma looked at you in anticipation. You swallowed and looked down at your hands, then glancing at the place where Yuuma was.

"N...No...I am sorry. I have to go." You replied and ran away from the church, everyone gasped and stared after you. This was unexpected.

Yuuma's P.O.V

I leaned against the wall outside of the church, looking at the sky. I laughed a bit and pulled my hand through my hair.

"I....I am...hopeless..."

"No, you are not." I turned my head around and stared at Y/N who panted after running out and glared at me.

"Are you stupid?! If you still loved me, you could have told me, you idiot!" She yelled and clenched her fists together. I was stunned, shocked and surprised. Did she just deny Shuu's love? As I tried to find some answer, she walked up to me and kissed me fully on the lips. My eyes widened and kept staring at her in surprise. This was very unexpected.

"Yuuma, I...I still love you." She mumbled when she pulled herself away from the kiss and leaned against my chest. I chuckled a bit and held her close.

"I see...I love you too."

Ah, I am sorry if the ending sucked, my head is very tired and I woke up pretty late today ö-ö" Can't help it ;-; But I am going to write a Yuuma x OC!Male fanfic after this one, so hoped you liked this oneshot, if you want more, don't forget to request and leave in the comments below and take care ^^ ~

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