OneShot; Sakamaki Brothers, Bad Luck

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A/N: Oneshot, finally, with your favorite anime-brothers xD Hope you will enjoy it ^^ And you know, I will start the Mukamis' with Kou first, because I know exactly how it's gonna start, see you there, my beloved Kou-lovers cx


Your P.O.V

Since you moved in the mansion, you have bitten one or twice by those popular brothers (As they say in school, maybe because of their beauty, who knows?) But you felt poor for Yui, she was scared everytime she got bitten. You wanted to exchange places with her, so you would be there instead. Now you were taking a normal bath, just so you would relax and have your own time. But you didn't notice about one thing, the perv in this family, referring to Laito, was mean enough to snatch your towel and hid it somewhere else in the mansion. You stepped up from the warm bath and tried to find the towel.

"Hm?" You looked everywhere but didn't find anything to cover yourself with. Unfortunately, Laito has already seen you without clothes, but that was an "accident".  You opened the door to your room and looked around, just to make sure the perv isn't around, you bit your bottom lip and stepped out, towards your drawer. You took on your f/c underwear (With patterns, if you want too.) and dried your hair with another, but short towel. 

"Y/N-chan, are you looking after this?~" Laito sang teasingly and waved with the towel in his hand. Your eyes widened and walked towards him, though you were blushing. 

"Give it back, Laito." You snapped and tried to reach it with your small arms. He laughed and reached it higher this time. You almost became angry when he ran away from your room.

"Seriously, I am gonna kill you with Suba-chan's knife if I get the chance!" You yelled after him and could hear him laugh, which caused you, being more angry or irritated

"Wow, aren't you too harsh now, Y/N-chan?~" He grinned and stopped by the living room, looking around for some other way to run, you finally managed to grab his hand with the towel and almost pulled it away from his grip.

"Y/N?" A confused Ayato stood in the hallway, staring at you and Laito in curiosity.

"Why do you have your underwear?" Your face got flushed by the red colour and waved with your hands like if it was nothing.

"Don't worry about it, i-it's nothing!" You exclaimed and laughed nervously. Laito stood behind of you and grinned. 

"I think she wanted to show her new under-garments, right?" He cooed in your ear and laughed.

"What's all this nonsense, why is every-" Reiji stopped and stared at you, sighing and pushing back his glasses.

"Really, Laito, did you made her come out here in her underwear?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest, you tried to explain the situation, but saw all of the brothers in the living room, this was really bad, they were seeing you in your underwear, thanks to Laito. You snatched away the towel from the pervert's hand and bowed in front of them.

"I am so sorry, I will be leaving now!" You said and ran away to your room. Later on that evening, no one spoke a word to you after the incident, you were afraid to tell someone, but got lucky that Yui is on your side, she has always been your supporting friend in awkward situations, just like that one. 

"Thanks, Yui, for understanding me." You mumbled and smiled, she gave you a warm smile back and patted on your shoulder.

"Don't worry. I am here for you, no matter what, besides..." She trailed off when she looked at the pool in the school and sighed.

"Why did you have to wear your f/c bikini with ropes on?" She asked and pointed at it, you and your class had swimming lesson and Yui couldn't be in it, because, she doesn't know how to swim. You waved with your hand and smiled.

"It's gonna be okay." You said and walked to the edge, jumping down to the pool, but one thing happened... The rope on your bikini loosened up a bit and flew off, the boys and the girls spun their heads towards you and stared at you, especially the males.

"Why is this even happening to me?"

Sucky plot, I know that, but I had no inspiration for the next few days, but this was the one I could come up with, sorry if you didn't like it xc Anyway, hoped you liked this chapter, be sure to leave a comment below and take care ^^ P.S I might be able to do a second one of the Sakamaki brothers ;) Happy Halloween cx

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