Liam Dunbar Imagine

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"No! Liam for the last time, I will not go the dance with you! I don't like you like that! Take a hint." you say to Liam after his fifth time asking you today.

He brings his face centimeters away from yours, "Your mouth says no,but your eyes say yes. Make up your mind sweetheart." His eyes flicker to your lips, and he was about to kiss you, but you wee saved by the bell. You rushed to your class, and sit down with a sigh of relief.

"Liam asked you out again?" Kira asked.

You nod, "Yeah. I said no, and he tried to kiss me!"

She chuckles, 'Well maybe you should try using reverse physcology, maybe he just likes the chase. Maybe after you agree, he won't want you anymore," she suggests. You nod an start listening to the teacher.


You get in line to get your food, and just your luck, Liam is right behind you. "Hey Y/N,' Liam says. You give him a small smile. "Will you go to the dance with me?" He asks.

You turn around and look at him, "Yes Liam, I will go to the dance with you."

He breaks out in the biggest smile, "Thank you so much! I'll pick you up at seven!" He kisses your cheek and runs off celebrating. You sit down at your usual table beside Kira.

"I'm guessing by his reaction, it didn't work. On the bright side you're going on a date with your crush!" She says laughing.

"I don' t have a fucking crush on him!" You groan.

Liam sits beside you and puts his arm around your shoulder, "Trust me babe. You clearly have a crush on me." He smirks and tries to kiss you.

You put a hand in his face and push him away, "First, I am not your fucking 'babe'. Try to kiss me again and you will have bruised dick. And I don't have a fucking crush on you!" Everyone chuckles at the table.


You see Liam drive up and you walkout to meet him in the driveway. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight." Liam says smiling at you.

You give him a small smile, "thanks." He opens the door for you and you get in and close it. Off to the dance!


You were dancing with Liam when you saw Garrett motioning you towards him. "I'll be back," you say to Liam and walk over to Garrett.

"What are you doing here with Liam?" Garrett says angrily.

You roll your eyes, "Why do you care? Last time I checked, you were the one who broke up with me after you cheated on me."

"He's not good for you."

"He's a better boyfriend than you will ever be!" you cross your arms and walk away. You sit by Liam and notice that him and Scott are smirking at you. "Werewolf heariing. I forgot," you say embarrassed.

Liam tilts your chin up and makes you look at him. He kisses you passionately and you kiss back. You both pull bsck and Liam saiys, "You're so beautiful, girlfriend." Liam says smiling and pecks your lips.


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