Aiden Imagine @AussieGirl032801

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New Years Eve. The parties were always the best around this time, but this year, you heart feels hollow. This was the first year in four years that you wouldn't have a New Years kiss, and it kind of broke your heart wings never you thought about it.

The easiest way for you to numb the pain was to drink them away, and that's exactly what you did.
You walked around the house, dancing with some people, but mainly keeping to yourself.

"Hey, Y/N, how have you been?" Ethan says coming up behind you.
"I've been great," you slur, "what are you doing here?"
"I'm the one the invited you," Ethan smiles, "I think you've had enough to drink." He pulls the drunk away from you.
"Oh yeah," you giggle, trying to get your drink back, but stumbling and falling.
Ethan helps you up, and sits you down on the couch. "Don't go anywhere."

You sit there for most of the night, and somehow found yourself drinking again.
"Y/N?" you hear a voice behind you and turn around.
"Aiden!" you yell. "Where am I?" you look around.
"You're hammered drunk," Aiden  shakes his head. He hands you a bottle of water, and takes away your drink.

He was about to get up and leave due to the awkwardness arising between the two of you.
You pulled him back,"Don't you want to start the new year with me?" you ask.
"Of course I want to start the new year with you, but I don't think sober you wants to start the new year with me,"he says.
Everyone starts counting from twenty. Nineteen. Eighteen.
"All of me wants to start the new year with you." you say, and he walks back over to you.
Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven.
"I never stopped loving you." he confessed. Unfortunately, you won't remember a thing in the morning.
Nine. Eight. Seven.
"I never wanted anyone else, but you." he grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
Five. Four. Three. Two.
He brings his lips to yours, and you melt into the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Everyone around you was cheering for the new year, but you and Aiden could only focus on each other.

•Next Morning•

You woke up with a massive hangover, and someone was cuddling into you.
You turned fully around to see it was Aiden. You screamed, and quickly got out the bed.

Aideb quickly jumped up, "What? What happened?"
"Did we have sex?" you ask, not remembering anything from last night.
"Then why was I in your bed?"
"After we kissed, you couldn't let go of me for the rested of the night."
"We kissed?!" you say shocked.
He nods.
"I know you don't remember anything from lasts night, but if you possibly find a way to take me back. I know that you want us to work, and I'm willing to give us a try if you want to.."
You stand there, shocked, "New year, same couples." you smile sheepishly at Aiden.
"And I wouldn't give it up for the world."

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