Theo Raeken Imagine

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You were relaxing at home, when you got a call from your ex, Calum Hood. You answer it, "Hey Calum... why are you calling me?"

"Hey Y/N, Well, the boys wanted me to call you to tell you that we have a show in your town tomorrow, and they would really like for you to come, but only if you want to come," Calum says awkwardly.

"Can I bring a plus one?" you ask.
"Yeah. You know how to get backstage, so I'll see you then?"

"Yeah, goodbye," you hung up. You decide to bring Theo with you, so you drove to his house to tell him about it. You walk in his house, "Theo, do you want to go to a concert tomorrow?" you ask him.

"Sure, what band?"

"5SOS," you say and wrap your arms around his waist.

"You want to see the band your ex is in?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Well, more like he invited me backstage, and you're my plus one. Please, its just one night," you pout.
He pecks your lips and sighs, "You are so lucky that I love you, but if I go, I need something in return for this torture."

He kisses you, and picks you up. Your legs wrap around his waist. He carries you upstairs to the bedroom to finish what he started.

You two were almost done, when you moaned, "Calum."

Theo stops, "What did you just say?"

"I-I said Theo," you try to convince him.

"No, you didn't. You said Calum. You just ruined the whole mood," He growls. He turns his back to you, and then fall asleep. You sigh and soon fall asleep, too.

~Next morning~

You woke up before Theo, grabbed one of his shirts, and went downstairs to cook breakfast. You finished breakfast, and went upstairs to wake Theo up.

You sat on his stomach, and kissed him.  "Wake up, Theo. You need to eat," you say.

"20 more minutes," he whines.

"Theo,  I have to go home, and get dressed, so either you eat with me, and go to the concert, or you don't eat with me, and I go to the concert by myself."

"Fine." He gets up and gives you a piggy back downstairs. You two were eating when Theo asked, "Why are you going to the concert so early? It doesn't start for another six hours."

"Because I always go early, so I have time to talk to them," you shrug.

"And about last night. Why did you say Calum?"

"I guess that since I had just talked to him in the phone. I promise I didn't mean it."

He gives you a peck on the lips, "Go home. I'll pick you up in an hour and a half." He escorts you to the door. You wave him off and go home.

Once you got home, you put on your 5SOS playlist because you never stopped listening to them, even though you and Calum broke up. You put on you black converse, black ripped jeans, and 5SOS shirt. You leave a note for your mom, telling her where you were  going.

You heard a knock on your door, and opened the door to see Theo, "You ready?" he asks.

"Lets roll out." You two laugh and head to the concert.

He lets you out backstage and goes to find a parking space. "Hey, Mr. G," you smile and wave at the guard  standing near the door.

"Y/N! Great to see you again," he says letting you in.

"Great to see you, too. And Theo, my ride, will be here shortly. If you could let him in and show whim where to go, please."

"Of course. Now, you go see your boys. They're in the  lounge room."

You smile and walk to the lounge room. You heard them yelling and laughing, then knocked on the door. They become quiet. "Maybe it's the pizza," Michael says.

The door opens, and the first face you see is Ashton's. He attacks you in a hug, " Y/N! We missed you!"

"I've missed you guys, too," You hug him back, and hug the rest of the boys.

"Can we talk?" Calum asks.

"About?' you question.

"Us. About us." That was the other boys cue to leave the room.  "I miss you, Y/N. I admit that I fucked up. I thought the tours would be easier if for both of us. That was the stupidest fucking mistake I ever made, I need to know that you're mine even on tour." He brings his hand to your cheek, but you back away.

"Calum, I have a boyfriend," you say.You saw the pain in his eyes but he quickly masked it.

"Just know that I love you, okay?" he whispers.

You nod, and let the boys back in, and you saw Theo, and met him at his stride. "What happened?" he held your hand sensing your uneasiness.

"Calum wants me back, but I told him no." you say. You two walked in the lounge and chatted with the boys until it's time for them to go. The whole time, Theo wouldn't stop glaring at Calum, and lowly growling when Calum spoke to you.

"Good luck!" you say and wave them off.

Calum started this time with the song "Just Saying". "You should leave him, 'cause it really makes me sick." Calum looked right at you, and Theo snapped.

You heard the growl erupt from his throat. "Theo, stop. This is too much. Go wait in the car. I get that he is my ex, and you are protective of me, but this is just ridiculous," you say. He looks down at you and passionately kisses you before leaving.


After the concert you congratulated the boys and told him that they sound great. "Calum, what was that out there? Are you deliberately trying to get your ass kicked by Theo?" you say, "I get it Calum. I know you messed up, but I don't want you right now."

Calum takes a step closer to you and places a hand on your cheek, "Y/N, do you love me?"

You sigh, "Calum, you can't just--"

"Just answer the question," he looks in your eyes, trying to read you.

You look down, "Yes, I love you."

He smiles, "Do you love him more than me? Tell me if you love him more than me, and I will leave you alone. I will stop trying to get you back."

You had to think about it.

Do you love Calum more than Theo?

Theo was everything you wanted in a boyfriend, smart, caring, athletic, patient, loving, and everything in between. And he was there for you every time.
Calum. He was... different. You couldn't even put in words. Yes, Calum wasn't always physically 'there', but he always made up for it when he was. He knows he's not perfect, and he's okay with that. He's not afraid to embrace his flaws. He never let you feel like you aren't beautiful.

"It's you. I love you," you confess. He leans down and kisses you.

You heard a growl behind you and quickly broke away from Calum. "That's how you felt the whole time? I was a rebound the whole time?"

You could tell he was heartbroken. "Theo--"

He cuts you off, "Save the bullshit for another gullible person I hope you have a good life." He scoffs and walks out.

You started crying, but not because he broke up with you, but because you lost your only friend in Beacon Hills.

here it is! The famous Theo imagine that should have been out weeks ago!

I have officially started posted on I Don't Care. Which is another book I wrote if you are wondering. You should go read it and leave feedback!

BSOTP: Mates of A Werwolf Hunter by @ValentineWinters bc I finished it in one day because I was so obsessed.

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