He talks about you when you're not there

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"Y/N is everything to me. She's my heart, and I don't want to lose her. She loves me, and, at times, she's the only one that understands and listens to me. I'm so glad to have her in my life."

"Y/N is my polar opposite. She's quiet and calm. We only share two things in common: being smart and loving each other. She's my rock because she keeps me grounded. I couldn't buy her enough roses to thank her for being the girl that stuck by my side through everything."

"Y/N's perfect. She may not have been through what I went through, but she's understanding about that. I am really lucky to have her around because I really couldn't imagine my life without her in it."

"I don't deserve Y/N. She's kind, caring, gentle, patient; everything I'm not. I'm not going to give up on us, but I will not blame her if she finds someone better. I want her to have the world, but I'm afraid I might not be the one able to give it to her."

"Y/N's a nerd. She's loves to read for hours; sometimes ignoring me just to finish that one page. She finds beauty in everything except herself. I love her, but hate how she brings herself down sometimes. I make sure she knows how beautiful she is to me and I never let her go a day without hearing it."

"I'm not whipped. No matter what you guys think. She doesn't have me wrapped around her finger. I'm in love with Y/N, and she makes me happy. If that's what you call being whipped, then I am head over heels whipped. Because she is my girl and I'm not letting her slip away."

"She's my princess. Y/N's a little kid at heart. She just a ball of energy that me very runs out. She makes me smile no matter what mood I'm in. I can't believe she's all mine."

"Y/N is the only person that sees the good in me. She's makes me want to be a better person, and I have tried to change my ways to be better for her. She thinks I'm fine just the way I am, but I want to be more...for her. I don't think I'm where I could be to be everything she needs."

"I grew up with Y/N. We never really talked much, but we were friends. I fell in love with her maybe a year before I got the balls to ask her out. Luckily, she liked me too. She makes me feel like the luckiest man alive."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed!

Also, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. don't let anyone else tell you different. Not even yourself. I struggle with my image too, but I find it easier to stay positive when you have positivity in your life.

Can someone give me an idea for a Brett imagine??? bc i really want to write one but idk what about.

That's all for now!


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