Jet Black Heart by 5SOS

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This is a breakup preference.
"Everybody's got their demons. Even wide awake or dreaming." He knew about your haunting past, and he was willing to take that to have you because he knew he has his,too, but you didn't want to put that stress on him, so you pushed him away until he couldn't take being your second chance anymore and broke up with you.

"Now that I'm broken, and now that you know it. Caught up in a moment, can you see inside?" You knew his dad didn't talk to him much. You knew he's always felt neglected since his mom past away. You tried to help him, but he would get these terrible flashbacks, and begin lashing out, and hit you in the process. You tried to understand, but it didn't work out.

"Now I'm holding on for dear life, there's no way that we could rewind." You never thought Isaac would cheat on you until you saw him with Allison. It broke your heart, and when he saw your face, he instantly regretted it. He wishes he could go back to before he broke you and he would never do it again.

"I've got a jet black heart, and there's a hurricane underneath it trying to keep us apart." It's very hard for him to love. He usually lives off hatred and respect. He afraid to love you because she doesn't want to lose you like the rest of your family, but he lost you anyway.

"Let's forget who we are and dive into the dark. As we burst into color, we turn into life." He wants you to forget every mistake he made. Forget every tear of sadness you had because of him, and start over with a fresh start.

"Maybe there's nothing after midnight that could make you stay." The later it gets the more animalistic and spastic he gets. He gets scary, and you hated to be around him when he was like that.

"I write with a poison pen, but these chemicals moving between us, are the reason to start again." He remembers all those terrible things he wrote about you when you two hated each other, but he loves you knew and you love him. He hopes you realize that and take home back.

"The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes." He knows he is the bad guy in the situation. Hell, he trying to kill your friends. He knows you won't forgive him easily. And he's willingly to wait forever just to call you his again.

"See a war, I wanna fight it. See a match, I wanna strike it. Every fire I've ignited, Fade into grey." Everything he tries to do right for you, he ends up doing them wrong.  He can't get anything right. He doesn't try to, it just happens. And he hates that it's the reason he can't have you anymore.


Guys,  so sorry I've been inactive. it's been a crazy past week and this week and the following will be, too.

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Book suggestion of this post(BSOTP): Heath by @mesmores bc I love it.

^^Should I continue book suggestions?

I love you guys!!!

until the next one!

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