Brett Talbot Imagine

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~Pretend Brett's Parent's aren't dead~

"Mason, if you don't keep your wandering eyes off my boyfriend. I promise, you will not have any more sight," you say directing Mason's eyes elsewhere.

"He's a werewolf! A really hot werewolf. Why does he like you again?" you saw Brett laughing on the field, obviously listening to your conversation.

"3 reasons: I am his type. I am not desperate. I do not drool over him when I see him. Now daydream about anybody except him."

You two stay silent until practice was over. Brett walked over to you, and gave you a kiss and said, "Hey babe, how are you?"

"I'm good. You looked great out there today. Maybe you could teach me some tricks," you peck his lips.

"Guys, stop. This is just gross and embarrassing," Mason grimaces.

"I'm sorry. Did you forget I was a werewolf? A really hot werewolf, who likes Y/N?" he smirks.

"You were listening? That's so embarrassing!" Mason walks off to talk to Liam.

"Back to your place?" You ask. He nods, and you two drive to his house.  You walk inside, and see his mom and dad in the kitchen. "Good afternoon, Mama Talbot and Papa Talbot. How are you guys?"

"Y/N! What a pleasant surprise. We are doing fine. Now, don't let us keep you here, you go on upstairs. Dinner will be ready in an hour," his mom says shooing us away.

You both walk to his room, and he starts kissing you, and lays you on the bed. "Brett. Stop. We can't," You push him off of you.

"Why not? Earlier you were fine with it. Why not now?" he asks.

"I don't want you to think I'm hideous after you see my body," you mumble.

Brett grabs your hand, and tilts your chin up to look at him, "Y/N, I've been dating you for two years. I've known you my whole life. I can promise you, no matter how your body looks, you will always be beautiful to me. I love you, and your body will not change how much I love you."

You smile and kiss him, "I love you, too, Brett. I love you so much."

You take off your shirt, and kiss him. You lay on top of him. You break the kiss, and help him take off his shirt.

He admires your body for a while, "Why are you ashamed of your body? You look stunning," you blush and kiss him again.

~Next Morning~

"Brett! Y/N! Once you get some clothes on, breakfast is ready!" Brett's dad yells. You try to get up, but Brett was gripped on too tight.

"Brett," you whine, "let me get up!"

Brett nuzzles his face into your neck, "You are so warm. I don't want to let go," he mumbles.

"Brett, there is food downstairs."

"I can eat later."

"No more kisses today if you don't get up and let me get up, so we can eat."

He jumped out of bed and got dressed. You grabbed a pair of your clothes out of the dresser, and both of you walk downstairs. Both of you start down and started eating.

"Did you two use a condom?" his mom asks.

"Mom!" Brett whines, "I don't need the safe sex talk! And, yes, I used a condom! Now can we go because I need to do something?"

His mom nods, and you two drive to the park. "Brett, why are we here?" You asked.

"This is where we first met, where I asked you out, where I we said our first I love you to each other, and our first kiss. I want to add something to the list. Promise me we will always be together. No matter what happens." He takes out a promise ring, and looks at you.

"I promise it will always be you. I love you, Brett."

"I love you, Y/N."

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