He meets your parents

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Saying he was nervous was and understatement. He couldn't sit still and kept rambling about how they are going to hate him. "Scott. Calm down. They will love you. Just don't bring up anything about me making the lacrosse team." You say and he calms down a little. When you two get there, Scott started talking to your mom and he seemed very relaxed. He wrapped his arms around your waist. "Are you the boy that has my baby girl"s heart?" Your father says walking in. You feel Scott tense up. "Y-Yes sir." You dad walks closer. "My wife said you are a good guy, so I would like to welcome you to our family. But if you break my daughters heart. You better hippie I don't get my hands on you." Scott nods rapidly. "Not trying to be rude, but if anyone was breaking hearts she would break mine. I wouldn't give her up for the world." Your dad gives you an approving smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. (Y/L/N). I am Isaac Lahey " Your boyfriend introduces himself to your family. "Isaac! We've heard so much about you! Sit I want to get to know you more." You parents say. Isaac smiles and sits. "I heard you play lacrosse. I used to play lacrosse myself. Are you any good?" "Yes sir. I even got (Y/N) to try out." "I've been trying to get her to do that for years!" Your dad and Isaac carry on in a deep conversation. "I like him." Your dad says when Isaac leaves. "Dad! Don't steal my boyfriend!"

You were sitting at the dinner table with Stiles and your parents. "Mom can you pass the salt?" Stiles asks. She gives him the salt. "Mom. Dad. I have to tell you something. " They look at you expectingly. "Stiles and I are dating " You mom jumps up. "You owe me twenty bucks! I told you they were dating!" She points at your dad and does a happy dance. "Wait- you knew?!" Stiles says. "How?" I say. I came home one afternoon to see you two cuddling on the couch. That was pretty normal but then you kissed him. That's how I knew." She shrugs as your dad gives her twenty dollars.

"You are dating a fugitive?" Your mom says. You nod holding Derek's hand. "I don't like this." Derek moves closer to her. "I was accused for things i didn't do. I wouldn't dare hurt your daughter. I love her so much. She is the light when I'm surrounded by darkness. She is my moon when all I can see is stars. You know how it felt when you met her dad. I would really be honored if you gave me a chance." He puts on an award winning smile. "I guess I can give you a chance. You seem sweet enough." your mom walks off. You kiss him. "Now you are on my

Parents good side."

"You are dating the guy that bullied you?!" Your mom says. You nod moving closer to Jackson. "I don't approve." "But-" "No buts! This egosistic asshole as only trying to break you apart." "That's not true! I bullied her because she was out of my league because I was so intrigued by me falling in love with her the first time I saw her. I was afraid. I know what I did was wrong. But can you please find a place in your heart- just like your daughter did- to give me a chance?" Your mom sighs. "Do you love him?" She asks you. "Yes mom. I do." She looks at Jackson. "One wrong move and you won't be having children." She says and walks out of the room.

"Wait. Ethan has a twin?" Your mom says shocked. "Yes mom. This is Aiden. Ethan is upstairs with Danny." Your mom sits down. "That's just weird. Twins dating twins." You laugh. "Week it is nice to meet you Aiden. I will get to know you another day. I think I need a nap right now." She says and gives Aiden a short hug and walks to her room.

You took your parents to one of his lacrosse games and they watched you two interact before and after the game. "Good job baby!" You say to him when he runs up to you smiling since he got the scoring point. He grabbed you by your waist and kissed you. Your dad cleared his throat. Liam turns around. "Nice to meet you sir. I'm-" "I know who you are and I can tell you bring out the best in my daughter. I approve." He smiles. My mom looks at me. "So he's the reason you started drawing again?" She asks you. You nod. "I never thought you would pick up a sketch pad again. Liam. Thank you. I approve also." "I really appreciate your approvals" Liam says relieved.

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