Aiden Imagine

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Your boyfriend, Aiden, was sleeping beside you, but you could not sleep. You were thinking about how he left you to hang out with Lydia yesterday. You sigh out of defeat and jealousy. "(Y/N), why are you still up? Are you alright" Aiden says.
"I'm fine Aid." You say.
"I know you are not okay. What is bothering you? Is it your brother, Danny?" He says.

You give him a passionate kiss and say, "Aid, it is not Danny. I promise I will tell you tomorrow. Now go to sleep." He mumbles an okay, and brings you closer to him before you both fall asleep.

You wake up before Aiden does, and you quietly get out of bed, and get dressed, careful not to wake him up. You start writing a note for him that says:

Dear Aiden,

I can not take this anymore. I know I promised to tell you what is wrong, so here it is. I am jealous. Jealous of you and Lydia. I can tell by the way you two look at each other. I can tell you still like her, and she still likes you. I most have made a big mistake thinking you actually liked me. I guess you were using me to get her jealous, right? But here is the final task to see who you like. If you find me at my comfort spot, You love me. If you do not, I will move away and we are over. You have 24 hours, starting now at 10:30 A.M. No one can help you search. It has to be only you.

Good luck, (Y/N).

Here you are in your comfort spot, which happened to be the old playground at your old elementary school. you sit there, and look at your phone.. Two hours left, you thought.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! I know you are here! I looked all over Beacon Hills so I knew you had to be in your old town! This is the first played I looked. I remember you always talking about how you loved to read in the slide, and you would escape from reality here! I love you! When you moved to Beacon Hills, all of my feelings vanished for Lydia and went to you! Just please, please come out." Aiden is in tears now, and so are you.

You run up into Aiden arms, and he spins you around. "I love you too, Aid. Always and forever?" You say.

"Always and forever

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"Always and forever." Aiden mumbles into you neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

This is so sweet.

I wish this would happen to me.


Literally what I have been singing all day.

I am so random.

Its that random stuff that's out of control!

Aiden; Chill Ty. You are creeping them out.

Ty: Fine. but only if you be me BESTEST FRIEND!!!

Aiden: okay. whatever makes you shut up!!


Love, Ty.

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