Isaac Lahey Imagine @SweetlyBitter26

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It was your first Christmas without Isaac, and you were just staring at the present he sent you a few days ago.
It was red and green wrapping paper with a white bow. He told you to cal him when you open it because he wanted to hear your reaction.
You got up, and grabbed the present before sitting back down. You grabbed your phone, dialing Isaac's number.

"Merry Christmas , Y/N!" he yelled through the phone.
"Merry Christmas, Isaac," you smile to yourself. "What are you doing?"
"I'm taking a walk, looking at scenery. It's kind of loud here," he sighs.
"Well, I'm about to open your present." You slowly start to take the bow off, and start on the wrapping paper.
"Go ahead. You're going to love it."

You finished unwrapping it, and opened the small box up. It was a charm bracelet with two charms already on it.
He sent a little note with it, but you were too amazed by the charm bracelet to notice. "Isaac... I love it. Thank you so much."
"Anything for you. The one with my initials on the country is for you to know I'll always be yours. No matter how far apart we are. The lacrosse stick is where we first met."
"At lacrosse tryouts," you finish for him, putting the bracelet on.

"You have another present. Open it."
You look down, and see the note. You unfold the note:

Open the door...

You get up, and open the front door, "Isaac, there's nothing at the front door."
"I forgot! I told him to put it at the back door, so you wouldn't see it."
You walked to the back door, and opened it. You couldn't believe what you saw.
"Isaac!" you hug him, and he hugs back. "What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't let you spend Christmas alone. And I knew you tried to fly out to me, but you couldn't afford it."

You kiss him, and he kisses back, wrapping his arms around your waist. You pull back, looking at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too. That's why I want you to move in with me."
"Move to Paris with me. You'll love it there."
"Isaac, I have to pack. Do paperwork on the house, and everything."
"I already took care of the paperwork. You just have to sign it. We don't leave until the day before New Year's Eve, so will you move in with me?" He pulls the ticket out of his back pocket.
"Yes." you smile and peck his lips. 

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