Scott/Aiden Imagine

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Idea credit: @ReeganLorenz

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"Hey beautiful," Scott comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.

You smile and turn around to face him, "Hey handsome."

"What are you doing tonight? I want to take you out."

"I can't go out tonight. I'm swamped with homework," you pout and wrap your arms around his neck, "but I can make it up to you tomorrow night for sure."

You bring him closer to you and pecks his lips. He lingers a bit, looking at you lust fully, "I like the sound of that. I'll call you after practice." He quickly kisses you before running off to the locker room.

You went home and began your homework.

Two hours later you heard a knock on your window, and you looked to see Aiden smiling at you.

You opened the window for him and he climbed in, closing it after he fully got in.

"Hey y/n. I need help with something. I only really trust you with this."

"What's going on, Aid?" You sit beside him on your bed.

"I really like this girl, but I don't think she'll believe me if I tell her. She's everything to me. The only reason I still go to school here."

"Tell her, Aiden. I'm sure she'd be lucky to have you. I've never seen you this nervous about a girl. She must be special," you poke at his arm, teasing him.

"Yes, you are special."

"Aiden... you know we can't be together."

"Scott doesn't have to know." He leans in and kisses you.

Your first instinct told you to stop and that this was wrong, but you couldn't deny that you had feelings for Aiden. Your hands went into his hair deepening the kiss.

A few minutes later, your phone began to ring. You and Aiden stopped and you grabbed your phone. "It's Scott! Be quiet!" You push him off of you. "Hey handsome," you say into the phone.

"Hey beautiful. I just got out of practice, and I'm going to head home for the night instead. Is everything okay? You're breathing pretty hard." You could tell he was worried.

"Everything fine. Just got done... working out. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" You hung up quickly.

Aiden began kissing down your neck. "Scott has no clue how breathless you'll be after what we do tonight," he whispers in your ear.

"Aiden, we shouldn't be doing this." You say, but your body molded with Aiden movements.

He laid you back down on the bed, climbing on top of you. "Then, tell me to stop. Tell me you don't want this and I'll go." He looks up at you expectantly.

You pull the collar of his shirt down to you and the two of you became entranced with each other.

Ten minutes later

"What the hell, y/n?" You hear Scott say. You and Aiden break apart and scramble to find your clothes.

"Scott! I thought you were going home! What are you doing here?" You were still breathless.

Scott ignored you and walked over to Aiden. His fist already clenched. He reeled back and punched Aiden straight in the face.

Aiden laughs, checking his nose, "I deserved that one. It's not my fault that she likes me."

Scott reeled back again, but you caught his hand. "Stop." You beg.

He was fighting off his wolf. "Y/n, tell me right now. Is it me? Or him?"

"I-I-" you look in between both of them. "I love you, Scott, but a piece of me has always liked Aiden. I can't help that."

"I'll make this easier for you. I can't be with a cheater." He strained to say those words, walking out of your life forever.

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