Scott McCall Imagine pt1

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"Just talk to him for me, okay? I won't be far. I'll be able to hear," You beg Stiles.

"Scott will know you're listening! Why won't you talk to him yourself?" Stiles says.

"He has been avoiding me! So, you being a best friend to him and me, will talk to him!"

"I'm not his girlfriend!" he yells.

"Fifty bucks and I take the blame for your prank," you say holding out a fifty. He grabs it and nods.

"Let's go then," he walks off, and you follow a far distance behind him.

You turn off your scent when you see Scott.

"Hey Scott, can we talk?" Stiles says.

"Yeah man, what about?" Scott sits down looking worried.

"You've been avoiding (Y/N), why?"

"She loves me. And I can't tell her that I don't love her. It would break her heart. We wouldn't be best friends anymore. She would never forgive me. I can't say it to her. I used her as a rebound, and that was wrong. I knew she had feelings for me, and I screwed it up. And I feel terrible about it," he puts his head in his hands.

You started tearing up and ran away. You ran home and sat in the corner of your room. "Honey, are you okay?" Your mom came up to you, and rubbed your back.

"I-I-I'm okay. Just leave me alone!" you say pushing her away.

"Scott's here."

"Tell him to go home! I don't want to be bothered!" you yell knowing he can hear you. Your mom gives you a sympathetic look and walks out. Scott walks in. "What, Scott? Haven't you hurt me enough?"

"I'm sorry. I really am, I didn't want to lose our friendship. It was stupid, I know."

"Get out. Never come back. You are not my friend. You are merely a backstabber that cares too much about hiding it when telling someone would be easier. I don't want to be associated with you anymore. I don't want to be in your pack. I'm quitting lacrosse. And I am giving you back the key to your house," you hand him the key.

"What? Why?"

"I got the bite to save you from dying. I joined your pack because I thought you always kept your friends safe. I joined lacrosse, so you wouldn't be alone on the field. I got the key for being in the three musketeers. Now, it just Stiles and (y/n) or Stiles and Scott, but never again will it be Scott, Stiles, and (y/n). Leave," you point to the door with venom in your voice.

After he left you decided to go for a run in the woods, forgetting one small detail. It's a full moon. You tripped on a wire, and triggered the sound alarm for the hunter's to find you. You heard them getting closer, but you didn't move an inch. "Why didn't you run?" Allison says.

"You would've caught me anyway. By now Scott's looking for me. I'm the only one stupid enough to go out on a full moon."

"Enough talking. Kill werewolves on spot," Kate says and aims her gun. She shoots you in the stomach twice, and they walk off.

"Derek!" you yell crawling in the direction of his house.

Derek runs out, "(y/n)! We need to get you to Deaton."

"No. No. No. I have a little while left. Not enough time," you force out, "t-t-thank you for being a brother to me. God knows Jackson wasn't a brother. Tell Stiles to k-k-keep trying to work it out. I-I-I know he can do it."

"(y/n)," Scott says running up to you.

"S-S-Scott," you cough, "I should hate you. I should- I should hate you. I-I-I don't. I love you so much, and I know- even if you won't admit it-" your eyes closed and you were surrounded by darkness.

"What was she saying? Scott, what was she talking about?" Derek practically yells.

"I came to find her because I realized I loved her this whole time. I took too long! She's dead because I didn't realize I love her!"

"Scott calm down. Yelling won't help her. Nothing will. We can bury her, and mourn, but that all we can do."

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