Isaac/Aiden Imagine

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It is kind of ironic, huh? You didn't have to tell your  boyfriend you were a werewolf because Isaac turned into on a day after you. But now you have to worry about your ex, Aiden.

He has been trying to call and text you lately. You and Aiden do have a history. Last year and in 9th grade you and Aiden were the ideal couple, you two were loyal, and everyone wanted a relationship like both of you.

Then last year, he cheated on you with your worst enemy, Lydia. She was jealous that you got the twin, and how you were more popular then her. But you didn't know that.

You saw them kissing in the janitors closet. And you broke it off with him, and he moved away the next week.

Now, you and Isaac are heading towards chemistry, when you smell them, Ethan and Aiden. They are back.

"Ethan! You're back!" You say.

"(Y/N)! Yep, I'm back! And for good this time! But I'm not Bisexual anymore. I am fully gay, and single!" He says.

"That is amazing! I know the perfect guy for you! Oh Danny, boy! Meet my gay and single friend Ethan. Ethan, this is Danny." You smile then wink at them, and then go to your seat, which happened to be beside Aiden.

Just my luck, you thought.

"(Y/N), I know you don't want to talk to me, so just listen. I didn't mean to cheat on you. It was the heat of the moment. I'm so sorry. Will you please give me a second chance? I love you! Dammit, if you don't want to get back together will you please just forgive me? I love you with all of my heart. Just please." He says.

You can hear Isaac fighting his wolf off so you whisper," Isaac! Calm down. Control it!" You raise your hand, and ask  if you can switch spots with Erica so you can get a better view of the board, when actually you need to talk to Isaac.

You and Erica switch then you tell Isaac," Isaac, look at me! Listen to my heartbeat! I don't love him anymore! I love you! Just calm down please. We dated last year, and were the ideal couple, but he cheated on me. I don't want him, I want you!" You say.

"Your heartbeat sped up at the end! I know there is a lie in there somewhere! I will meet you at your lacrosse locker." Isaac says.

You see Isaac still changing so you go up to him, and kiss him passionately

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You see Isaac still changing so you go up to him, and kiss him passionately. It started getting heated, then Finstock said," Lahey! (Y/L/N)! Stop swapping spit and get you asses on the field!"

You ask Isaac," Do you believe me now?" He nods his head excitedly, and you tell him that you will meet him outside.

"Aiden, you had your chance. You broke my heart. We were the ideal couple, but now that's me and Isaac. I don't want you anymore! I love Isaac! I do forgive you, but we will never be an item again! Now give me a hug. I missed my best friend." You say pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you. I just wanted you to forgive me." Aiden says.

That is the sweetest thing I have ever written. It brings me to tears.

I love writing this book it is so fun!

I love typing and writing so this is perfect for me!

I actually don't mind if you guys use these as long as you tell me and give me credit!


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