Jackson Whittemore Imagine

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You lay in your bed, crying your eyes out. Your phone starts ringing, and you answer it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" you say.

"Y/N, love, why are you crying?" Jackson says.

"You left me! No calls, texts, Skype. Nothing. For two months."

"I'm sorry, I really am. There is nothing anything I wouldn't do to show you that. I love you and I will never stop loving you. We can make this long distance work."

"No it won't. It never does. We need to take a break. I think it's for-"

"No! It's not for the best! Don't do this to me, please. I didn't want to leave you! I didn't want to go!" You stay silent for a while. "Y/N, I need you. Even if I never see you, I'll still be sane knowing your mine."

"I'm sorry. It's over Jackson," you hang up, and start destroying everything Jackson got  you. Your brothers, Ethan and Aiden, rush into your room. Aiden picks you up, and lays you down.

"Calm down! He isn't worth all this pain, you're  causing yourself," Aiden says.

"He says he loves me! You can't drop a bomb like that!"

Ethan pulls you into his chest, and you cry into his shirt. Aiden lays on the other side of you. Ethan turns on the TV until you fall asleep.

~Next Morning~

You wake up and hear yelling from downstairs. "You broke her heart! You shouldn't even be standing here right now!" Ethan and Aiden growl.

"When I called her, I was going to tell her I was coming to visit her, but after she hung up, I decided to move back. I need her. I know I'm the biggest douche in the world, but I will never let anyone get in the way of her and me again."

"Fine. She's sleeping upstairs,  but you are still on our kill list. Don't mess up."

You heard footsteps coming to your room, and pretended to be asleep. You felt the bed dip beside you, and arms wrap around your waist. You instinctively cuddle into him.

"I'm never letting you go. I will fight for you until I die," Jackson mumbles into your hair and kisses your forehead," love, talk to me. I know you're awake."

You look up at him, "I should hate you. I should want nothing to do with you. All I think about is you. I think I love you Jackson."

He smiles and kisses you passionately, "I love you, too," he mumbles against your lips.

Brett will be added to next preference, along with Theo.

Two more votes o the chapter called 'I Don't Care' and I will posted the book, with the prologue.

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