Stiles Stilinski Imagine

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This is a continuation of the first Stiles Stilinski imagine I did, so if you need a refresher you can go back now.

~Three years later~

~Stiles POV~

"Daddy! Why are you staring at that picture?" Sarah asks, her eyes barely over the picture I'm holding up.

"Because this picture means a lot to me, sweetie. It reminds me of a lot of good times," I pick her up and set her in my lap.

"That's mommy!" Sarah points out, "tell me the story!"

"Which one?"

"Pack meeting! My favorite one with mommy!"

"Okay," I started telling the story.


"Sorry I'm late," (y/n) rushed in and closed the door, "what's going on?" she sat by me and kissed my cheek.

"We were talking about marriage. They think I should ask you to marry me right now," I say.



"I'll marry you."


"You don have to get me a ring. This promise ring can double as an engagement ring," She pecks my lips and everyone looks relived. (If only I knew then that it was because she was dying)

"Now to real business. (y/n), I believe you had something to suggest?" Derek says.

"A pack trip. A bonding getting to know each other trip to the mountains. All that matters is family, and family is the only thing we can count on nowadays."


"But we ended up not going because she got the flu, but she said, 'Maybe the trip was overrated. All I need is your, my knight and shiny armor. Stiles Stilinski.' And that is why the pack calls you princess. Because the queen left the building and the princess is takes her spot. Your mother was amazing. I see her in you everyday. I know you'll grow up, and be just as amazing," I kiss her forehead.

There was a knock on the door. I got up with Sarah following right behind me. I open it and freeze, "(y/n)?"

She smirks, "in the flesh. Miss me?"

"Mommy!" Sarah runs up to her and hugs her legs.

"But how?"

"Some angel was getting a dude out of hell, and I told him I would rat him out if he didn't take me with him. So I was gripped tight and raised out of perdition(spn reference)."

I smile and hug her, "I missed you so much."

I felt a stab in my stomach. I looked up and saw Oni around 'her.'

"Stiles you can kill half of me, but the other half made her. A perfect copy."

"Sarah, go a press the button," I choke out.


"Go!" Sarah runs upstairs, "what do you want?"

"Pain. I want you to feel pain as you look at the copy of your fiancé that stabbed you!"


"Stiles wake up!" Scott yells, and I jolt up.

"it was a dream. It was a dream," I mumble.

"Are you going to tell Sarah about all these appointments you've been having?"

"no, it saves me so much heartbreak. I see why (y/n) did it. I wrote a note for her for that day," I had the note to him and we head out.

~~~~NEXT WEEK~~~~

~Sarah's POV~

Uncle Scott just told me daddy died, and I would be moving in with him and grandma.

He said Daddy left a note and he read it.

"Remember Princess. One day you'll have to step up and take the crown. Don't be afraid because even when you can't see us, we will always be there. One day, you'll find a boy so amazing that I won't be your knight and shining armor anymore. And that's perfectly okay. Never let anyone dull your sparkle princess."

(I never knew I would read it every day for the rest of my life.)


How are you feeling after that bombshell?

What do you think of Stiles' note?

Do you believe I should have saved you the heartache by not making this?

Suggestions here.

my second account for contests: @http_yeet

bye!! <3

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