Jackson Whittemore Imagine

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"Whittemore! You are such an asshole. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." You say, and take off the engagement ring, and  put it in his hands. "Baby! Please don't! I didn't mean anything I said!" Jackson says. Jackson starts crying, but you turn around and walk right out the door. You  get in your car, and tell Scott and Stiles that the wedding was off.at Ethan and Aiden's house. You get there, and see Scott and stiles waiting for you at the door. You have tears streaming down your face, and you knock on the door. Danny opens the door and says," Hey- (Y/N), what's wrong?" "Are my brothers here? I need them." Danny nods, and all three of you come in.

"Okay. What's wrong because you never bring Scott and Stiles here unless something is wrong, and you half told them." Ethan says. You break down crying and say," J-Ja-Jackson cheated on me! And before you three go kill him, hear the story. Okay, so last night he left, and said he had werewolf business with Derek. He came back around 12, drunk, and with a girl. He said that he and that girl had sex, and her sex was better than mine. He kicked me out of our room so the girl could sleep with him. So this morning I gave him the engagement ring and called him an asshole." Aiden gets up and heads towards the door, but you say," I need you here for me tonight, please. I need both of my brothers." Aiden's eyes soften, and he comes back in the living room. "So that's why you weren't at the party. Jackson said that you didn't want to come to my party. When actually he didn't tell you about my party." Stiles said. You all look around, then decide to put some movies in.

You were laughing at Ethan because of the story Aiden told you about how they found Danny kissing another dude, when the doorbell rings. You get up to get it and Stiles and Scott come with you. You open it to see a puffy eyed Jackson. Stiles leaves and mumbles good luck, while Scott punched Jackson in the face, then left. Jackson gets up, and says, "I deserved that, but at least let come in and explain." You let him come in, and he tries to kiss you, but you look down. He backs away with pleading eyes, but you avoid eye contact. You tell Ethan and Aiden that you will be upstairs. "I didn't mean anything I said last night! I was stupid and drunk! I told the girl to give me her phone. I deleted my number from her phone, and cleared everything up! Just please, please. Take the engagement ring back." You let him put the ring on you, and then you kiss him. "You are sleeping on the couch for a week though." You say "I know its worth it as long as you are back with me. (Y/N), I love you." "I love you too JJ."




BYYEE.,.,.,.,.,+_+ TY

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