Derek Hale Imagine

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Idea credit: @MrsSpock

"You are finally back in Beacon Hills! What has it been 7-8 years? How are you, Y/N?" Melissa, your aunt, says as she gives you a hug.

"I've been great. I'm just happy to move back to this little quiet town. Thanks for letting me stay here since my place isn't ready." You set your bags down and sit on the couch.

"It's really no problem! How about you go take a drive around town for a few hours and by the time you'll be back, Scott should eh home and dinner will be ready." She gives you a warm smile as you grab you keys and leave.

You quietly took in your surroundings as you drove around town for a bit. You decided to take a walk around the woods.

You couldn't remember how long you'd been in the woods, but you didn't care. There was something about those woods that wouldn't let you leave.

That's when you saw it. The old burned down Hale house. You couldn't help but look at it in awe, wondering what happened.

"This is private property, you know." A strangely familiar voice says behind you.

"I'm sorry. It just- I used to know some people that lived here. Do you know what happened?" You turned around and locked eyes with the greenish eyed man. "Derek?" You say in shock.

You saw a hint of a smile on his face, "Hey, Y/N. What brings you back here?" He walks over to you, bringing you into a hug.

"I'm moving back down here. I got a job helping Deaton with the animals. And I just missed this town."

"I'm so glad to see you after so long. We should catch up." You could tell that he was dying to kiss you, but you ignored the fact.

You smile and nod, "That would be great! How about tomorrow over lunch. I'll tell you about my extravaganza and you tell me about yours. Deal?"

He laughs at your playfulness. "Deal. Meet you at the diner at 1." He playfully bows.

You two say your goodbyes before you head back to Melissa's house. Once you got there, Scott was home and Stiles was with him (as usual).

"What's up boys?" You sit across from the on the couch. After giving each of them a hug.

"Not much. Just up to the same old thing. Studying and such," Stiles says.

You smirk, reading the paper, "So, what class are you learning about Oni? The creatures of the shadows. One of the oldest supernatural beings known. Which can also be interpreted as a firefly."

They look at you in awe. "How do you know all that?"

"I spent a lot of time at the Hale House, reading books and other things not worth mentioning." You shrug, sitting down.

"Who did you know at the Hale House?"

"Derek. We used to date, but we decided to just be friends with benefits. Talia was the sweetest thing. I wonder where she is since she wasn't at the house."

"She's dead, Y/N. There was a house fire by Kate Argent. Only Derek, Cora, and Peter lived." Scott says softly.

"You're lying. Derek would've told me if she was dead! She's fine. He promised that he would tell me if something bad happened."

They give you a sorrowful look before going back to what they were doing. After everyone ate dinner, you went up to your room and stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever.

There was a knock on your window and you looked to see Derek. You got up and opened it so he could crawl in. "Is it true?" You ask. "Is your mom actually gone?"

He looks down, sitting on the edge of the bed beside you. "Yeah. Kate Argent set my house on fire. Only Peter, Cora, and I survived."

"How long after I left did this happen?"

"Six months."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

"By doing what? Being friends with benefits?" He spat.

You didn't know what to say. It hurt you that he thought that all you wanted was sex from him. You love him. Words that you were scared to say out loud but knew in your heart.

"I-I’m sorry, Y/N. I probably should go." You nod as Derek makes his way to the window. He glances back at you before leaving and closing the window behind him. You silently cry yourself to sleep.

●●next morning●●

You woke up around 10AM to a call from Derek.

"Hello?" You say.

"Hey, Y/N, I was so out of line yesterday, and I need to explain myself. Could you come over?"

"Yeah. Give me an hour." You hung up and went to take a shower.

You put some comfortable clothes on and grabbed you a quick breakfast before heading over to Derek's house.

Once you get there, you walk in and see him leaning against the wall. "Go ahead. Explain yourself." You say, crossing your arms.

"I'm sorry that I snapped at you. Ever since we broke it off and became friends with benefits, I've been kind of off in our relationship, and I know you could tell. I-I didn't call you because you broke my heart. I didn't think you'd want to come back to comfort me. I only thought I was sex for you. No strings attached. I don't want to be friends with you, Y/N. I never wanted to be just friends with you. I love you." He steps closer to you, "I'm not afraid to tell you because I know you love me, too."

You look at him in awe. "You aren't messing with me right now, are you?" He shakes his head no. You bring him down to kiss you and he instantly wraps his arms around your waist.

"I love you, Derek

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"I love you, Derek. I always have. I always will." You smile up at him and he smiles back.

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