Brett Talbot Imagine pt.2

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"Do you know how it feels to know you were the only one to be able to save her, but you couldn't because you were asleep? I failed her. I promised to make her feel important and now she's hanging on a thread between life and death. I woke up for a snack before going back to sleep and see the text. Now, you won't even let because of your petty jealousy? I saved her. While you were too busy assuming that she was cheating on you with me. Now, let me in before I put you in that hospital bed beside her." Kyle was using his Alpha tone.

You wanted to tell him to stop. You wanted to get out of this hospital bed and go home. You wanted to avoided the inevitable conversation with your parents, Brett, and Kyle.

"Look, both of us in this room is not going to work because we both love her and--" Brett was cut off by Kyle's laughing.

"Didn't she tell you that I am gay? I love her like a sister. Nothing more. Nothing less. You need to go home. Take a shower."

You heard Brett growling, but he left. You felt Kyle's presence beside you. It was a long silence before he said anything. "I shouldn't have went to sleep. I should have  been there to answer your call so you didn't feel alone. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

You could finally feel your voice coming back, "Not... your fault." You practically whispered out. Your eyes start to open and the first thing you see is Kyle's face.

He hands you some water and you gladly take it and drink some before setting it back down

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He hands you some water and you gladly take it and drink some before setting it back down. "Brett just left, but he'll be back."

"I didn't want to see Brett," you look down and fiddle with your fingers.

"What happened?"

"He accused me of cheating on him. I told him you were gay, but he thought I was lying. He told me that you said you love me. He thought we were having sex and secretly dating. I told him about three years ago and we broke up." You say, fiddling with your fingers. "I don't want to see him," you whisper.

He nods and the doctor comes in and checks everything to make sure you were fully okay. "It seems like everything is good now. Y/N, please talk to someone before you do this. There's always a better solution." You nod, avoiding eye contact with the doctor. "We should be able to get you out first thing in the morning." He leaves the room and you eat before you feel sleepy.

You fall asleep and wake up the next morning to your phone ringing. "Hello?" You say.

"Y/N, do you really not want to see me? I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just jealous of your connection with him." Brett says and you could tell he had been crying.

"Just give me a couple months off, please. After this, I need a break from stress and jealousy and arguing. I forgive you, but I have to work on myself right now." You confess.

"Okay. I'm always here if you need me. I love you so much." He hangs up before you could say anything back.

Kyle walks in with the paperwork. "Okay, just sign some of these and we can get out of here and get some real food." He smiles at you. You sign the papers, and he starts to leave, but not without saying, "Your clothes are in the bathroom. I'll meet you in the lobby."


About half a year passed and you were finally felling like yourself again. You had been seeing a therapist and Kyle's moved in with you.

You have talked to Brett. You two are friends, but he understands that you don't want to rush back into the dating again.

You started in lacrosse, helping them get into the championship, which is tonight. To say that you were nervous was an understatement. You were scared that you were going to screw up the entire game.

Coach gave his usual speech and it was game time.

The game had been close the whole time. It was down to the last 15 seconds. Ball in your stick, Brett was open, but you didn't have a crystal clear pass. You threw it anyway and he miraculously caught it. Beacon Hills scores with 5 Seconds left on the clock! The other team wasn't able to do anything so you guys won!

The whole team huddled up cheering and screaming. The whole school was there to witness your team make school history. Trophy being passed through the team, getting kissed by each teammate.

Who was the MVP, you ask? Brett!

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Who was the MVP, you ask? Brett!

Time for his acceptance speech. "This group of guys and girls that I've been with for the past couple months has been the greatest group I've ever been apart of. But I don't think I'm the most valuable player. We wouldn't have gotten this far if Y/N wouldn't have showed how great we can be If we work together, so I would like to present this Most Valuable Player trophy to my girl, Y/N!" He grabs your hand and brings you towards him, giving you a hug before handing you the trophy. "Y/N, I would also like to say that I know I messed up our relationship, but I know you're the only one I ever want to be with. Will you go to prom with me?" He asks, looking at you.

The crowd awed and you couldn't help but smile. You brought his face down to you and kiss him.

"Yes, I will go to prom with you

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"Yes, I will go to prom with you." The crowd cheers and you realized that you have everything you ever wanted: a loving boyfriend, loving friends, and happiness. You were safe. You were home.


I hope you enjoyed this Brett imagine. Be warned I have some backed up Brett suggestions, so get used to seeing the name for a bit lol.

Three followers til 5SOS Imagines is released!

I'll see you guys later!


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