His favorite quote from the Flash

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"One mystery I cannot figure out is why some people come into our lives and why some people go. Others become a part of you. Some friendships feel like they'll last forever and others end far too soon. Not every friendship is meant to last forever. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone."

"Sometimes great possibilities are right in front of us but we don't see them because we choose not to. I think that we need to be open to exploring something new."

"Yeah, I understand why you did everything you did. You were only missing one day, and I would have done anything to find you."

"What you're seeing as optimism is me, for the first time, just not being afraid anymore."

"All my life I've been wanting to do more. Be more. And now I am. And the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up. I was chasing the bad guy and... and someone died."

"Every time I falter, the thought of you is what picks me up or keeps me going."

"Being a superhero isn't always about how fast you can run, it's about helping however you can, wherever you're needed most. I think Jay Garrick, physicist, has just as much to contribute as Jay Garrick, superhero. Maybe more."

"Sometimes you just gotta slow down to get back to where you want to be."

"Wanna take a shortcut? You want to take a shortcut? Remember this. You lose a chunk of your humanity every time you compromise your values."


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