Stiles Stilinski Imagine

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Idea credit: @princesssarahhcx

You were sitting at home with your family since it was family night. Which meant, no phones and, more seriously, no Stiles.

It's not that they don't like him or feel like he a part of the family. They want quality time with you before you're off to college.

The night was fun, as usual, and since it was over, you could finally go see Stiles. You grab your keys and rush out the door.

As you were driving, you were on the phone with Stiles. "I just don't understand why they don't can't me over for family night, Y/N. I'm fun, right?" Stiles asks and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, you are but you're also very touchy and that just gets awkward for them. Don't worry about that because you'll have me all to yourself when we get to college.

"I can't wait to cherish every moment with you." You could imagine the grin on his face.

"I'm stopped by the store and got some snacks so you better have a movie picked out by the time I get there."

"Of course."

You two continue taking and laughing until someone ran into you, making you swerve off the road into a tree. "Y/N! Are you okay?" Stiles frantically moves on the other side of the phone.

You were in and out of consciousness but managed to respond. "I can't feel my legs."

"I called 911, they're on the way and I'll be there in a second. Just stay with me, okay? Keep talking to me."

"It's hard. I just want to relax." You're eyes started closing, despite Stiles' pleas.

As Stiles approached the scene, his heart dropped. His heart, his world being taken out of the car bloodied and unconscious.

He ran to you as soon as they put you on the gurney. "Baby. Please, open your eyes." His eyes glistening. He places a kiss on the back of your hand.

They place you in the back of the ambulance and rush off to the hospital. They wheel you in and asked Stiles to stay behind to which he reluctantly agrees.

Yours had passed before Melissa in ally came to tell him anything. He jumped up when he saw her making his way to him. "Is she okay? She's alive right?" He frantically asks.

"She is alive. She's conscious. There is some bad news. Do you want to here it from me or from her?"

He stood there contemplating, "I want it from her, but thank you for everything." He gives Melissa a small smile before walking down to your room.

He knocks and slowly opens your door. "Hey baby. How do you feel?"

"Like shit. This was suppose to be my last good memory in Beacon Hills with you. It's ruined. My future is ruined. Everything's ruined."

"Its okay, baby. You're going to make that flight tomorrow. We'll be out of here and you'll be walking on that plane in no time."

"That the problem, Stiles. I can't walk. I can't even feel my legs. And I never will again. I have to stay here for a couple more days so they can run tests, so I'll kiss my flight and become behind on all of my work, making it so I start the school year failing." You start crying.

He comes over to lay beside you and wraps an arm around you, "Baby, don't cry. Please don't cry. You'll be okay. I'll email the school for you. It will be alright. We'll get through this. We always get though things together." He gently rubs circles on your waist.

You two lay there in silence for a while until there was a knock on the door and Scott walked in. "Mom called me. Are you okay, Y/N?" He asks.

Before you could answer, Stiles jumped up and yelled, "That's it! Why didn't I think of it sooner." You look at him like he's crazy. He looks at you and Scott, "If you bite her and she lives, she's up and walking again. That also means you can still start college early."

"Stiles, you're a genius! Scott, I want my legs back. Will you please do this for me?"

"You could die from this, Y/N..."

"I'm not going to, so get to chomping

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"I'm not going to, so get to chomping." You held out your arm. Scott reluctantly grabs your arms and then bites it. You let out a hiss of pain before he releases you. Everything started fading to black, "I'm just gonna..." and you were out.

The next morning when you woke up you could hear, smell, and see everything. "Thank God you're okay." Stiles says and you flinch because of the sensitive hearing.

You slowly began to get up and you walked around

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You slowly began to get up and you walked around. You began to smile and jumped into Stiles' arms. "Remind me to thank Scott. I'm alive. I'm walking! I love you Stiles."

"I love you, Y/N."


This is shitty.

I'll see you guys I  the next one!


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