Stiles Stilinski Imagine

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First day back at lacrosse practice. And let's say you and Jackson were not on good terms today. You said that he was a poor excuse if a werewolf and if he hit you hard enough the worse you would do was limp. Saying he was mad was an understatement. He was out for blood. You go out on the field and see Jackson flip you off and you say, "Fuck you too!" And start warming up.

"Whittemore! Defense! (Y/L/N)! Your up first!" Coach says. You grab a ball and start running. Jackson hits you right in the arm and you fall to the ground. "I think my arm is broken!" Jackson just stares at you with an evil smile. Stiles runs over to you. "Babe! We need to get you to a hospital!" He helps you up and to his car telling coach that 'he doesn't care if he's benched. He just wants his girlfriend to be alright.'

You get to the hospital and Melissa takes you to get an X-Ray. She comes back and shows you to picture. "Definitely broken. You'll be on a cast for six weeks." "Six weeks! I'll miss the most important game of lacrosse!" You say. She gives you a sympathetic smile while they put the cast on.

Stiles takes you home and cooks you dinner. "Here you go." He gives you the food on a food tray. "Stiles you don't have to baby me so much it's just one broken arm." You say. "Yes I do. I want you to be alright even if I go to advanced measures." He pecks your lips. And at that moment you knew he was the love of your life.


Aww that was sweet.

To the person that requested this. I'm sorry it took so long. I remember sitting down to write this and saying. "Well shit." So yeah....😂😂

I hope you guys had a great day!

Follow me on insta! @tw.wolfie and if you do follow me. Comment on my most recent: I came for the tacos!

I'll know where you came from!



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