You steal his clothes

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Idea credit: @fruit_cupcakes

You grab his clothes and lock yourself in your room. You heard the water stop. "(Y/N), where are my clothes?" He yells from the bathroom. "i don't know. i thought you took them in the bathroom with you!" you say as you open yourwindow and drop them outside. You close your window and unock your door. you saw him standing in front of your door with his eyebrow raised. "Why did you open your window?" He asks. He walks over to your window and opens it. He looks outside. "Really?" He whines. You giggle. "guess you gotta go outside to get them." you stick your tonugue out. He jumps out your window and grabs his clothes. You close the window and lock it. He looks at you and gives you the puppy dog eyes to unlock the window. "I'll see you at theront door loser." You stick your tongue out and walk to the front door. He knocks and you open it. "I am going to get you back for that one day." He pecks your cheek and walks upstairs.


"Babe. Where did you put my clothes?" Derek asks you with towel wrapped around his waist. You stood up and kissed him. "I don't know." You say innocently. He kisses your neck. "Babe. Where are my clothes?" He says in between kisses. You moan. "I have no clue. I thought they were in the drawers." You say. He starts nibbling at your neck. "You want me to continue?" He says. You nod, closing your eyes. He stopped. "Then give me my clothes. If you want me to keep going." He sat on the bed and looked at you. You pout. "Thats not fun or fair." He chuckles. "Then don't steal my clothes." you groan and go get all his clothes. You hand them to him. "Here. Now where were we?" "actually I have to go help Scott. I love you, bye." He says while putting on his clothes. He pecks your lips. I'll make up for it tonight i promise!' He yells. You heard the door close and laid down for a nap.


You and Isaac were the ast ones in the locker room and you asked Scott to take Isaac clothes, so he wouldn't find them. You sit on the bench waiting for Isaac to finish showering. The water stops, and Isaac walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He starts looking around forhis clothes. "Do you know where my clothes are, (Y/N)?" You shake your head no. "I thought you took them back there with you." He walks closer to you. "or you told Scott to take them thinking I wasn't paying attention. Call him, Tell him to bring back my clothes." You pout while he smirks. You take out your phone and call Scott and tell him you got busted. He says that he will be here in ten minutes. You hang uo ad Isaac kisses you. "Ten minutes is enough time." He says and starts kissing your neck. You moan and tilt your head back. He starts unbuttoning your pants and he started rubbing you. "I-Isaac." You breathe out. you heard the door open. "I lied. it was two minutes you sex crazed couple." Scott says and throws Isaac his clothes and leaves. "Back to your place to finish?" Isaac says and you nod.


You put his clothes in the cabinet in the kitchen while he showers. You lay in his bed acting as normal as possible. You hear the shower stop and saw him come out the bathroom. "Where is my stuff?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You shrug and giggle. "It doesn't even matter Y/N because after I'm done with you, you naughty girl, you're going to scream," he whispers in your ear and start nibbling on it. You quickly become horny and moan. He smirks against you skin. "It's time for you punishment darling." He bends you over his lap and the rest of the night was history. (Comment if you want the sex scene. Seven comments wanting it and I will make it.)


You never steal his clothes while he is in the shower because you're either too busy playing video games, reading a book, jamming to music, or cooking. Lucky him you could say, but you mae up for it by beating his record or doing something that will make him slightly mad.


You never steal his clothes because you take a shower with him, his hands roaming all over your body giving you pleasurable moans. He kisses your neck, smirking at the response you give him at his touch. "Never forget who makes you feel good. Inside and out." he mumbles against your skin.


You change into his cltohes, so he can't wear them. He walks out the bathroom and smirks at you wearing his clothes. "You look so sexy in my clothes," he kisses your cheek. "Even with the baby bump?" you ask. "Especially with the baby bump." You smile and kiss him.


im not dead guys.

i will post an imagine either tonight or tomorrow.

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