Scott McCall Imagine Part 1

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You wake up and notice Scott isn't there. You go downstairs and see a note that says:
'With Derek and Jackson. Pack meeting. Don't worry. Love you'
You put down the note and eat some food. You go back upstairs and your phone rings. "Hello?" you say. "(Y/N)! Get to the loft quick. Jackson and Scott are fighting and this one is for blood." Stiles says. "I'll be there ASAP!" I say and hang up. I rush downstairs grab my keys and run to my car.
~Dereks Loft~
You get to the door and hear growls. "You don't deserve my sister! You fucking screwed your ex! I thought you loved (Y/N)!" Jackson yells. I gasp to myself. "It was an accident! I was dru-" "Bullshit! Werewolves can't get drunk!" I hear them growl again. I walk in. "What is going on here!" I say. They stop and look at me. "(Y-" "stop the bullshit Scott. What did you do." "No-" "You're going to stand her and lie to my face! I fucking heard what you did. Did you screw Allison?!" I yell. "I-" "Yes or no!" he drops his head. "Yes, but I didn't mean too." "How did you not mean to screw her? I guess since you want your ex back. You are going to want your engagement ring back." I say and take off the ring. I walk up to him and put it in his hand. "I want you gone by tomorrow morning." I walk out ignoring his pleas.
So that's the newest edition. And the pic is his face when you found out.
Also ten votes and ten comments for part two.
Later gator,

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