Isaac Lahey Imagine

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You had just gotten off from work, and to say you were tired was an understatement. You were exhausted.  You had just gotten home and you heard rustling from you and Isaac's shared bedroom. You open the door and see Isaac sleeping peacefully, but you could tell something wasn't right.

You went to the bathroom and that's when he saw the missing piece. You saw a girl frantically getting dressed in the dark.

You turned on the light and she froze to look at you,  "I'm so sorry. He didn't tell me he had a girlfriend until you were in the house. If I would've known, I wouldn't have done it."

You can tell she had just stopped crying. "It's okay. It's not your fault," You give her a small smile, "but tomorrow, he's all yours." She leaves your apartment and you change into your pajamas and go to sleep.

~next morning~

You had woken up before Isaac, as usual and went downstairs to make yourself breakfast.  You were quietly eating your food when Isaac came downstairs. He noticed that you didn't make him anything and pouted, "Y/N, it was your day to cook. Why didn't you make me anything?"  he tries to hug you but you shove him off.

"Why do you have sex hair? Because I know we didn't have sex last night," you look straight at him and his face paled.

"It didn't anything," he says.

"If you knew it wouldn't mean anything, why did you do it?" you say, "pack your things. I want you out of this house," you say calmly.

"What? Babe-"

You cut him off, "I'm not your 'babe' anymore. When I get back, I don't want to see any trace of your stuff."

You  grab your purse and head to the door. You got something out of your purse and threw it at him, "Oh and you're going to be a father," you slammed the door and drive to Lydia's house. When you get there, Lydia lets you in and you two just talk to keep your mind off him.

•3 years later•

Your little boy Dylan was running to the door dragging you along, "Hurry mommy! Daddy's waiting!" he said excitedly. You open the door to see Isaac sitting on the porch swing.
Dylan ran over to him and hugs him, "I missed you daddy. Why don't you move in with us?" Dylan says giving his puppy dog eyes.

It's amazing how identical Dylan is to Isaac at this young of an age.

"Dyl,  that would be up to your mom," Isaac says as they both look at you.

"I don't think that's the best idea," you say knowing that if you had said yes, that Isaac would have found his way back in you heart (not like you he ever left), and you were afraid that he might cheat again.

"Why" Dylan asks, "Aren't Mommy and Daddy supposed to love each other?"

"Dyl, we do love each other. It's just that I made a dumb mistake when we were younger. A really dumb mistake. I lost her trust."

Dylan tilts his head to the side, confused, "But I want to see you every day! Mommy, please! Just for a week!" Dylan tugs at your pants, looking up at you.

"We can try it, I guess," you sigh, not being able to resist Dylan.

Dylan's face turns into a big grin and he grabs Isaac hand. "Let's get ice cream, and then you can pack, and we could have our play date here!" Dylan rambles as Isaac follows his son to his car before picking him up and putting him in the car seat and driving off.


"We're home!" you hear Dylan yell, running to your room.

Soon after, Isaac walked in with a bouquet of roses. "Flowers for the lady of the house on this monthly occasion."

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