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"I'm moving Scott." You say to him. He gets up and hugs you. "Where? Why?" "I'm moving back home. Back to (Your/City/Name). My mom doesn't like it here. She said there are too many murders and she doesn't think its safe." His grip gets tighter. "Y-You can't. Y-You can't leave me!" You kiss him. "I don't want to go. I want to stay. But I have to take care of my mom. I love you so much Scott. I will call you. Text you. Skype. Everything." You grab your luggage and walk out to the car.

"Isaac you better tell me what the fyck was Allison talking about back there! What did she mean you won't judge me after you find out with Isaac did mean?" You yell at him. He looks down. "Tell me!" You say. "I'm cheating on you." He says on the verge of tears. "W-What?" "I'm cheating on you. I'm so-" "I trusted you Isaac! I fucking trusted you! Derek trusted you! I loved you so much! Why?" "I wasn't thinking." "You never think. When are you going to start using your brain." You grab some of your stuff and walk out the door. You go to your brother, Derek's house. You knock in the door with tear stained cheeks. He opens it. "What happened baby sis?" He let's you in. "Isaac." You wrap your arms around him and cry into his shirt.
Stiles:(sorry. Previous imagine memories)

"I'm dying Stiles." You say to him. "W-What?" He starts tearing up. "I'm dying. I have a week left to live." You start crying. He hugs you. "Want to stay in for a rainy day?" He asks. You nod and he picks you up and carries you to the couch. You two cuddle and watch movies.

"I'm so much better than you in fighting now. Admit it." You taunt Derek. He rolls his eyes. "You are not better than me." You laugh. "I'm not the one with a bruised shoulder." You poke his shoulder and he winces. He grabs your waist and whispers in your ear, "I may have a bad shoulder, but I still can show you who's boss." You shiver. You back up and walk away. "Nice try. No sex until you admit it." You laugh as he growls.

"I'm not leaving you Jackson!" You say to him while Derek chains him up. "(Y/N). Please go. I don't want to hurt you." He pleads. "No!" Jackson looks at Derek and Derek nods. Derek comes over to you and pick you up and carries you upstairs. "Let me go!" You yell hitting him in his back. He outs you down. "Stay here. Don't go down there. He could possibly murder you." Derek says slowly like you are a little kid. "I got it." You cross your arms. Derek walks off. You hear Jackson whine in pain and run downstairs. "Jackson?" You say looking around. You turn around to see werewolf Jackson staring right at you growling. You slowly walk closer to him, then touch his cheek. He sets his face in your cheek. You kiss him. He instantly wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you back. "You're His anchor." Derek says from the top of the stairs.

"I'm breaking up with you." Aiden says to you. "Why am I surprised? Is it Lydia? I gave you everything you asked for. I love you so much. You were my first love and my first kiss. You were my first time. Fuck you Aiden! Fuck you and never talk to me again!" You try to run away with tears filling your eyes, but you only make it.to your car. "Aiden just broke up with you didn't he?" It was Ethan. You nod. "He did it because if he didn't they would use you to torture him. I promise it broke his heart  to do that. He just couldn't stand to see them hurt you." You dry your eyes and look up at Ethan. "R-Really?" He nods. You saw Aiden running towards you. He hugs you. You punch him in the chest crying again. "I hate you! I can take care of myself! You hurt me so much!" He just takes the punches knowing how much he deserves them.

"Liam. I'm pregnant." You say to him. He sits there speechless. "Liam?" He walks up to you and puts a hand on your stomach. "We're having a kid?" He says in disbelief. You nod. "We're having a kid!" Liam say excited. He kisses you and kisses your belly.  "Hey little person. Its your dad. I just want you to know your mom and I already love you!" You smile.

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