Derek Hale Imagine

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Obviously. You guys love Derek Imagines. So here's another one.


You had just woken up to see that Derek wasn't in bed with you. You see a note on the nightstand that says:

Happy Anniversary!

I had to run out to get some stuff, but I'll be back in a bit. Breakfast is in the fridge!

You got up and got in the shower. You got out and put on on of Derek's shirts that was way too big for you and went downstairs. You go to the kitchen and see a pot of sunflowers. That's weird, you thought. You read the note on it saying:

Your eyes are as bright as the sun!

You smile at the note and didn't notice Derek come in and stand in front of you. He picks you up by surprise and yells, "Happy Anniversary Babe!" you laugh and give him a peck on the lips. "Happy Anniversary!" He puts you down and you go to the fridge to hear up breakfast. "What are we doing today?" You ask. "All surprises." You pout. "Not far!" You say, but he didn't know you had a surprise too.

•few hours later•

Derek is about to take you out for dinner, but he won't let you into the room so you can change. "I need to change Derek!" he just ignores you and changes. He gives you something wrap in a box and you open it to see the dress you always wanted but never bought. "Oh my god. Thank you Derek!" you attack him in a hug. "Anything for you babe" you leave to go to the restaurant. He opens you door and you two go inside. "Hale." Derek says to the man behind the desk. "Yes, Hale for two. Right this way." You follow him to your table and sit down. "This place is amazing." You smile and Derek smiles back. The waitress comes over and obviously has eyes on Derek and it's starting to get on your nerves. When she leaves you say, "It's like I'm invisible." Derek grabs your hand. "You're not and of you get jealous remember while she was staring at me. I was staring at you." You smile at the thought. Your food comes out and you guys have a little chit chat while eating. When you guys get done you say, "Derek. I have a surprise for you." He stops talking. "We are going to be parents! I'm pregnant!" Derek's eye lit up and he smiles really big. "I'm going to be a dad! we are starting a family!" you nod and he kisses you over the table.


Wow. I didn't even plan that. I just started typing.

So here you go!

What do you do when meet Lady GaGa?

What's your guess?

Let your mind wonder.

Your poke-her-face

I'm so cheesy.



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