Brett Talbot Imagine

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Idea credit: @kyelvington

Senior year. It's your first year back at Beacon Hills High since your pack told you to break up with Brett and moved away. That was three years ago.

You eventually got over it and met your current boyfriend of a year, Theo. You had joined his pack a couple months ago.

You walked into Beacon Hills High, hand intertwined with  Theo's as you both made you way to the office to get your schedules and locker numbers

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You walked into Beacon Hills High, hand intertwined with Theo's as you both made you way to the office to get your schedules and locker numbers.

Somehow, you two managed to have lockers right beside each other, so you went to put your books in it before heading to your first class.

Theo pulls you back to him, gently pushing you against his locker. "See you at lunch?" He smirks.

"Depends on what we're having," you smile. Your eyes are holding a mischievous glint.

"I was thinking an empty classroom. You and me. I'm not that good at math, but I believe we can subtract the clothes." He whispers in your ear.

"I guess I will see you at lunch so I can tutor you

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"I guess I will see you at lunch so I can tutor you." You kiss him before walking to your next class.

You walked in and the only open sear was in between Stiles and Brett. You sat down and tried to act like they weren't there until the teacher made you and Stiles partners for the in class assignment.

"Hey Y/N, What made you move back? I know you're pack isn't here." It was the first thing Stiles asked you when you had to listen to him.

"I changed packs," you gritted your teeth, trying to do the assignment.



"You trust him?" Stiles says, shocked.

"I'm pretty sure trust is an important part of a relationship. Now can we do this assignment?"

Stiles shuts up and Brett glances at you before continuing his work

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Stiles shuts up and Brett glances at you before continuing his work. You sighed in relief for some peace and quiet.

The classes before lunch kind of went by quickly. You to the empty classroom Theo texted you to meet him at. You locked the door behind you before walking over to him. "Ready for your lesson?" You shrug off your jacket.

He smiles and kisses you, placing you on the desk. "The real question is: are you ready for your lesson?" He smirks.

Meanwhile, Stiles was taking to Brett about you and Theo.

"You need to get her away from him. Theo is nothing but trouble!" Stiles exclaims.

"She's happy. I don't want to interfere with that," Brett says.

"I get that you love her, and you think she has what's best for her since it's not you with her. I promise you that he is not the best for her. You are. He's manipulating her and he's using her for his plans."

"How are you so sure?"

"Its a gut feeling. And lately my gut hasn't been wrong."

○next week○

You and Theo didn't how up to school and it seemed kind of odd because you always tell someone when you won't be there before so they can catch you up.

Brett had started thinking about what Stiles had told him about Theo. That's when he heard it. He heard you scream. The lungs of a banshee. He quickly ran out of the class without hesitation, following the sound of the wail with Scott's pack right behind him.

When they found you, Brett immediately went up to you and unhooked you from the table before fighting the dread doctors with the others.

You started to feel like you were going to pass out, so you weakly said, "Brett."

He was to you in an instant. "I'm going to get you to a hospital. You'll be okay."

He picked you up and started taking you out the building when Theo showed up. Brett growled and Theo held his hands up. "By all means, take her, but just remember that you will always have a piece of me with you, Y/N," he smirks and walks into the building.

Brett runs you to the hospital and they took you and checked everything before letting Brett see you.

Brett sat beside you in silence. "Thank you for saving me, Brett."

"I'll always save you, Y/N. Even we when don't love me. I will always save you."

"I never stopped loving you," you whisper.

He looked at you, a smile plastered on his face, "Do you think we can try dating again?"

"I need to tell you something first," you pause, "I'm pregnant with Theo's baby."

He gritted his teeth, eyes changing color. "I'm going to kill him."

You grabbed his hand and he calms down, "Forget Theo. You have me, and we can raise the little one right. Just lay with me."

He reluctantly lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around you

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He reluctantly lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around you. As you drift to sleep, you hear him whisper, "I love you and this baby. I'm never gonna let you go through this alone."

You smile to yourself as you fall asleep.


I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next!


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