Scott McCall Imagine pt2

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You jolted awake, catching all the air you could. You looked around to see that you were in Deaton's office. You looked down to see the two gun wounds all healed up and Deaton's was staring at you, shocked.

"Hey, Deaton. What's wrong?" You ask, not realizing that you were dead for three days and just now came back to life.

"You got shot and you were dead," he says slowly.

"Yeah, but that was last night, so I just passed out," You say confused.

"That was three days ago. How are you alive? That bullet was made to kill werewolves."

You showed your claws, "Well, I still have my werewolf side, and I feel great, so we don't need to worry." You got off the table and smiled.

"Show me your eyes." You flashed your eyes and he nodded. "Y/N, I would like to believe you are a hybrid of some sort. I'm gonna draw some blood and I'll call you about it."

After he was done, you left and went to your house to change clothes before heading to school.

You drove up before the tardy bell, so you rushed to class and made your way to the back.

Scott and Stiles made their way in, and Scott, surprisingly, didn't catch your scent. They made their way to the back. Scott paused when he noticed you, not believing you were actually there.

"Hey Scott." You give him a small smile.

"You were-but you're here. How?"

"I woke up. Now I'm here. I should be mad at you. I should hate you." I remind him.

But you don't. That's all that matters because you're here." Scott says, pulling me out my seat. "Y/F/N, I love you."

"I love you, but that's not gonna get you out of the hole you dug yourself." You pat his chest and sit back down.

Scott proceeds to sit down in front of you.

After class was over, you walk with Lydia to your next class, but before you got there, Derek called you. "What's up?" You ask answering the phone.

"I'm outside. We need to talk." He hangs up.

You go outside and get in the car with Derek and he drives off.

"Deaton told me to come pick you up. At first, I didn't believe it. How come you didn't call me?" He glances at you.

"I didn't want to burden you. I've been asking so much out of you lately. Especially since Jackson left, and I didn't want you to put your life on hold for me. Again."

He pulls up to Deaton's office and turns the car off. Before you could get out, he said, "You're the closest thing I got to family. I love you like a you are my little sister. You are the furthest thing from a burden. Okay?"

You nod and we head inside. "Y/N, good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" Deaton says.

"The bad news."

"Okay, well the people that raised you were not your biological parents. You always had the wolf gene, but it was recessive until Derek gave you the bite."

"Okay... Good news, please."

"The dominant trait was vampire, and you and Derek are half-siblings."

"Other than that, I'm healthy?" He nods. "Thank you, Deaton."

You and Derek left and he took you back to school. He dropped you off and drove off.

You walk in class late and your teacher gives you detention.

~Skip to Detention~

You sat in a back desk because you were the only one in there. It was just you and the teacher. He got a call and had to leave early and made you promise not to leave until your time was up.

You were about to leave because you were absolutely certain that he wasnt coming back, but Scott walked in and locked the door behind him. "What are you doing, Scott?" you ask.

"Taking back what's mine." He walks closer to you.

"What if it doesnt want to be taken back?" you ask, setting your backpack down.

"I think it does." he brings you to him and kisses you passionately.

He breaks the kiss, so the both of you could breathe. "It definitely does." You kiss him again, glad that he locked the door before initiating anything.


Please don't kill me! I know I haven't written. An imagine in so long and I am so sorry!

I am on summer break now, so I should be much more active now. If you could please leave suggestions so I could get back in the swing of things!

But also HAPPY FIVE YEARS OF TEEN WOLF TODAY: JUNE 5, 2016. I have meet some of the greatest people from this show and I was able to entertain you guys, my supporters because of this show. I love you guys and the show!



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