Scott McCall Imagine Part 2

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*next morning*

You wake up and the whole vibe was different.  You could tell Scott was gone. You went downstairs to see food already made. You see a note and read it.
Hey. I know you wanted me gone, but I couldn't leave without cooking you something. I hope you can forgive me and pack meeting at Derek's loft for everyone. You're still pack. I love you. I hope yo see you there xx. Scott

You out the note down and start eating. You take your phone out and call Lydia. "Hello?" "Hey Lydia. I was wondering if you could help me with something" "let me guess. Making Scott jealous?" "Yeah" "be over in ten" she hangs up.

*ten minutes later*

You hear a knock on your door and answer it. "Fashionista to the rescue." She walks in and goes straight to your closet. She pulls out some clothes. "Wear this and I can get Liam to act all lovey dovey with you." She says smiling. "You are a lifesaver" you say. She bows. "Why thank you"

You change and Lydia does your hair. When done Liam shows up. "Hello my friend that I'm flirting with today" he says as you wrap your arm around his. "Hey Liam. Thank so much for doing this" you say smiling and he smiles back.

*Derek's loft*

You walk in and Scott stares at you in awe. Liam comes from behind you. "Looking mighty fine (Y/N)" he winks at you. You blush a little. "Why thank you Liam" you see Scott's jaw clench. You sit down and Derek starts the meeting. "Lately there have been mysterious killings. I'm not sure what it is or who it is after but I think peter is apart of it. We will be doing night watch and everyone has a partner. You get to pick. That's it pick partners we start tonight. Meet back here at 8:00." He sits down. Scott comes over to you. "My partner is (Y/N)." Liam says. Scott growls. "She is my partner. My fiance. My mate. If anyone tries to steal her away from me I won't hesitate to hurt you." He wraps his arms around your waist. You kiss his cheek. "I love you Scott" you say. "I love you too" Everyone cheers except Jackson. "I won't do anything stupid again. I promise"

And five tears later he still keeps the promise.

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