Stiles Stilinski Imagine

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Warning: May give you a lot of feels

"That's the third time this week! I hate you Stiles!" You yell at your lab partner. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I really didn't-" "You didn't mean to? You didn't try to? Like you say everyday? I'm done I am asking for a new partner!" You storm off to the teacher "Miss I wanted-" "We needed to know what to do when we were done." Stiles cuts you off, and you frown at him. "You can get on your phone or just sit there." She says and shoos you two away. When you get to your seat, Stiles pulls you into a kiss. "I'm taking you on a date tomorrow" "Did you ever consider that I don't want to." He shrugs it off knowing that meant okay. "Pick me up at 11:30." He smiles and nods. The bell rings and you leave school and wait by your sisters friend, Allison's car, and wait for them. They come over and Lydia says," Hey sis, what is new?" "I have a date with Stiles tomorrow with Stiles." You say with a huge grin on your face. "Okay. We need to pick out your outfit!" Lydia says and Allison smiles driving you home. When you get home Lydia drags you to your rom and sits you on the bed while raging your closet and drawers. "Wear this! Its casual but cute." She pulled out a shirt with a gold heart on it, black background and tribal print on the heart. She pulled out your pants that were white and black at the bottom. And took out your sparkly Vans. You nod thank her, and spend the rest of the night on Tumblr and Instagram.

You wake up around ten, and get in the shower. After that you put your clothes on and go to the bathroom to straighten your hair. You put on you hat that says 'Famous' and your infinity necklace. When you were done, Stiles was outside. You get in his Jeep and he says," You look amazing. Are you ready to go?" You say thanks and nod. You notice that he is taking you to Starbucks. "I love Starbucks!" You scream and he just laughs. When you guys sit down with the drinks Stiles says," (Y/N), I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" You smile and kiss him. "Stiles, I would love to be your girlfriend." You say and smile.

You grin at the memory three years ago when you and Stiles first started dating. Stiles rushes into the room and says," Baby! Why didn't you tell me you had cancer! Please don't tell me this is your last day." You let one tear drop as Stiles sits beside you holding your hand crying. "Stiles. I love you. Forever and Always. I would love to be your wife." You say as your last breath. Stiles cries over your body.

Stiles POV:

I found out she had cancer when I went through the mail to see a letter for an appointment of her last living day. When she said those words 'I would love to be your wife' I automatically knew she was saying the same thing she said when I asked her to be my girlfriend. Except with wife. I get out my phone to call the pack about (Y/N)'s cancer and she died, but there was a piece of paper in my pocket. I unraveled it and it said:

My Beloved Stiles,

I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be gentle with me. I still wanted run around and have fun with you. I know this is hard for you. It was hard for me too. There wasn't a cure. I was going to end like this. The pack were the ones taking me to the appointments so they know. Stiles, please cope with this. Don't you stay in you room all day. I will be very sad if you do that. I have someone waiting for you at Scott's house.

Love you always and forever,


I head to Scott's house clutching the note. I get out of the car and walk in the house. "Scott!?! Are you here? (Y/N) said she had someone here for me?" Scott comes down with a baby in his arms. I have me mouth wide open. "Is she mine?" Scott smiles and nods. "This is why she left for three months so she can surprise you. I am so sorry about her death man." Scott hands me her and pats my back. "What's her name?" Scott grins. "Sarah Claudia Stilinski." I start crying more. She name dor baby after my mom. I know I can do this. She is just a baby (Y/N). I will do this. I love you (Y/N), always and forever.

who cried? I did.

This gave me so many feels and tears. it is crazy.

I love you guys and if you have any suggestions.

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