Daydreamin' by Ariana Grande

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"You walked in, caught my attention." He has this persona that drew you into him, and now you can't keep your eyes off of him.

"It's the way you walk, the way you talk." He knows that you like him, and he says the sweetest things to you, but he has a girlfriend. 

"I've never seen, a man with so much dimension." He always has the meanest look on his face, but he is the mist kindhearted and vulnerable person you know.

"It's in your smile, it's in your eyes." Then way he smiles and looks at you makes you feel like he wants to be more than just friends.

"I'm daydreamin', with my chin in the palm of my hands, about you."
He consoles all your thoughts. You always wonder if he will like what you're wearing, or what he finds attractive. You can't help but think about those irresistible lips, also.

"I don't want to wait for tonight." He finally asked you on a date, and it's all you can think about. You just want to fast forward time to see his face again.

"The way you make me feel inside." Every time he is around, you get butterflies in your stomach.

"I know I was made for you, and in love with all your charm." He knows how to make your heart swoon, and he's a sweet talker. The smoothest pick up lines you've ever heard.

"Now I can't wait, to hold you in my arms."His hugs are one of the safest feelings for you. You know that he risks his life sometimes, and you can't wait for him to get back, so you know he's safe.

It's late! I know! I'm sorry!
School has been hectic with sports and all. Everything should calm down in March hopefully.
I am trying to write imagines, but I never have time, so I'm sorry.
I thank you all for waiting for this long overdue update.

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