Liam Dunbar Imagine (@Notapunkrockgirl)

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dedicated to @Notapunkrockgirl

You were getting dressed for you date with Jake, and Liam was over at your house just chilling before your date, and he seemed in a sour mood.

"Liam, what's wrong?" You ask him as you pick out clothes.

"I'm fine. Where are you and Jake going?" he asks.

"He's meeting me at this diner. I'm happy he asked me out. I've always had a small crush on him." you confess.

"I'm happy for you," Liam says with a straight face.

"We'll talk about why you hate him in a second. Now, out so I can change." you roll your eyes and point to the door.

He mumbles something under his breath and walks out. You put on one of your favorite outfits on, fix your hair, and do your make up.

You finish with thirty minutes until the date. You walked downstairs, and Liam's jaw dropped when he saw you.

"You look beautiful, Samantha," he smiles at you, "any guy would be lucky to have you."

"Thank you," you blush and give him a small hug before leaving for the date.


30 minutes past... he's still not here.


An hour past... He stood me up.

Your tears slowly start to fall as you drive on your way home. You got home, turned off your car, and cried, not wanting Liam to see you like that.

Your car door  opened and you felt Liam's arms pick you up and carry you inside, after locking the car.

He carried you to your bathroom, helped you take off all you make up, and left so you could change into your pajamas.

When he came back in, he let you cry in his chest, "What happened?" he asks.

"He stood me up. That's a sign, Liam, maybe I don't deserve love." you mumble the last part, knowing he can hear you. 

"Samantha, don't ever say that. Please, never say that again. I love  you, Sam. Not just in the friendly way.  I want to be the boy that gets your heart racing, and still be serious with on a date. When we grow old, I want to be the one in that rocking chair next to your talking about how our kids have matured in nice professional people. I want to kiss you, whenever I please. I want you to love me, too."

You were speechless. You did the only thing that made since in your blurred thoughts. You kissed him.

Everything fell into place. Everything started making sense. You realized why no other guys ever worked out for you. Your heart already belonged to Liam.

"I love you, too, Liam."

I hope you enjoyed this imagine.

leave below who you want my next imagine to be!

Book Suggestion Of This Post(BSOTP):
Rayne by asamanda  bc major feels and heartwarming scenes.



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