His Favorite Flaw

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Idea credit: @zaynlahey
Your eyes. He loves how he can tell your emotion just by looking at them. He loves how whenever you talk about something you believe, your eyes sparkle more. He wants it to be the last thing he sees at night.

Your laugh. He loves how when you laugh, you snort a little. You tilt your head back smiling like a fool. It's his melody that he never wants to stop.

Your hands. He loves how soft and small they are compared to his. He can't go a day without holding your hand, or you tangling your hands in his hair on a relaxing day. You have a touch he can't resist.

Your hair. He loves how you can just wear a beanie, and not care about fixing your hair some days. He loves when you curl your hair and it bounces when you walk. He loves how your hair always smells so good, like a getaway. He loves playing with your hair too. He never wants you to cut it.

Your body. He loves your curves. And how your body molds with his when you tow cuddle. He always has a hand on your waist, shoulder, thigh, etc. Your body is a drug for him.

When you read. He loves how you get so involved in a book, that you don't pay attention to anything around you. He loves how you react to what you read while your reading. You furrow your eyebrows when something you don't like happens. You bite your nails when you get nervous. He just falls mor win love with you every time.

Your personality. He loves how you are so open minded. And aren't afraid to voice your opinion. He loves how you aren't afraid to joke around. Especially when you get in food fights. He can be himself around you.

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