Theo Raeken Imagine (@Anchors_ Away22)

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"She's not improving," you overheard the doctors saying.

"Don't you dare lay another finger on Olivia, or I swear you will regret it," Theo growls.

"Her condition will be terminated."

You ran out before hearing the rest. You went home and cried your eyes out realizing your friends were right about Theo.

~Next morning~

You woke up with three missed calls from Theo, and one voicemail.

"Can you please answer me? I need to know you're okay," Theo's voice in the voicemail says.

You delete the voicemail, and get dressed for school. When you get there, you rushed to find Stiles and Lydia.

"Hey, Olivia. Why do you look so tired?" Lydia says.

"You guys were right You were right about Theo. He was using me for his plans with the doctors and he knew I was apart of their experiment. How could he do that to me?" You cry on Stiles' shoulder.

"Does he know that you know?" Stiles asks, and you shake your head no. "You need to break up with him, Olivia. I know you love him, but he lied t=straight to your face for so long, and you could have been killed by now."

"I know, but will you guys please come with me?"

They nod, and the three of you walk to find Theo.

"Olivia! Babe, I called you, what happened?" The says and tries to kiss you, but you avoid it. He looks at you questionably.

"I know you called, Theo. I just didn't want to call back."

"What are you saying?"

"Theo, I don't think we should see each other anymore.""What? Why? I love you, Olivia."

"I love you, too, Theo, but I can't date a liar. You knew the doctors were testing me and you knew I was scared and vulnerable, but you lied everyday saying you haven't found them yet, and when you do, you will kill them. You were on their side the whole time. I can't live like that, Theo, I'm sorry." You say.

Theo grabs you and kisses you, "I was going to tell you, I really was! Please stay."

Lydia puts a hand on your shoulder, telling you to walk away.

It was the most heartbreaking thing for you to ever do.


Sorry it took so long!

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