Derek Hale Imagine

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You heard someone walk up to your desk while you were writing. "Welcome to WaterFront Bank. How may I help you?" You don't look up and continue writing.

"I'd like to deposit a second chance," an all too familiar voice says.

"Derek..." you say looking up. You notice how tired and red his eyes looked.

"Y/N, please come home. I miss you. I miss us. I miss y little baby bump that I loved talking to so much. I know I messed up big, but I can give you four reasons to give me another chance:

1: I love you.

2: Nothing feels right without you. I can't sleep. I can't think straight.

3: If you come back, I promise I will do anything to keep you here. I won't mess up, not again. You're the one thing in life I'm not willing to lose.

4: You love me. And you know that you love me, and you hate that you love me right now. And you wish you could tell me to go away, but you can't bring yourself to do it.

Please, baby come back. I need you," Derek was crying and so were you.

You get up and walk around your desk to hug him, "I do love you. Give me time. I don't want to be around you right now" you say.

"You're lying. Please, yell at me, hit me, but don't leave me."

"Alright, Bear, but this is your last chance."

He growls playfully," I hate that nickname, but as long as I have you I couldn't care less," he kisses you passionately.

You smile into the kiss, but break it too soon for his liking.

"I could get fired for this!" you explain.

He bends down with a hand on your stomach, and places a kiss," Daddy loves you baby girl."

You giggle, "It's going to be a boy!"

He smirks and stands back up, "I have the deciding gene. And I say it will be a girl, so I can spoil my princess and queen," he kisses your cheek, "I'll be back on your lunch break! I love you!' He starts walking out.

"I love you, too, Der!" you say and get back to work.

~Five days later~

You and Derek went to the doctor to check on the baby. "Welcome back! You ready to fid out the gender of the baby?"

"Yes!" you practically squeal, while Derek holds your hand.

They apply the gel and start the ultrasound. "Turns out your having twins! Two completely healthy baby girls! Congratulations!" She says and Derek pecks your lips.

"I told you we were having a girl - girls, and I can't wait to spoil them," he gives you a cheeky grin.

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