Derek Hale Imagine

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"Allison! Stop! Please! You can't do this. Just put the bow down, and let Derek go! I won't let you do this!" You yell at Allison who has her bow pointed at Derek's heart. "Why not? You hate him. I hate him. He is just a piece that doesn't fit in the puzzle." Allison says. You never thought this day would come. You just kept dreaming, and dreaming. It just had to be today. "Gosh. I am dating Derek! Okay, Allison! Derek is my boyfriend. I love him. Please just stop!!" Allison drops her bow, shocked. "This. This animal is your boyfriend? Just barely two moths ago you were talking about how much you hated him, and wanted him dead." "I am right here you know!" Derek snarls. Allison just rolls her eyes while you go and unlock Derek's chains.

~later, Derek's Loft~

You two were cuddling in Derek's bed when he says," (Y/N), did you really mean I t when you said you loved me? I know you didn't want to tell your sister about us but she came after me, and I knew you would be mad if I had hurt her." Derek says kissing your neck. You sigh and say," Yes Derek. I meant it. But if you aren't ready-" "I want to say it. (Y/N), I love you. Your are my up when I am down. You make me happy. I don't know what I would do without you. I haven't been this happy in a while, but when you  cam into my life, I was so happy, and I didn't want to change anything. Please. Don't ever leave me." Derek mumbles the last part. You tear up, turn around, and gave him a long passionate kiss.

~2 years later~

You and Derek were on the beach playing volleyball when Derek grabbed you and kissed you through the net. While kissing you he took the ball and threw it behind you so you couldn't get it, and yelled," I win!" You pout and say," Not fair! You cheated. You used those lips against me!" Derek quickly caved in and let you win. You guys walk to the shore and sit on the edge and Derek says," I have wanted to ask you this for a month now, but I thought it would be more special to do on the day we both said I love you for the first time. (Y/N), I love you." Derek gets on one knee. "(Y/N), will you be my nothing? Because nothing last forever!" You squeal and kiss him. You cant believe he proposed on such a special day. Now to plan the wedding.


so sweet wasn't it??


How was your day?? good? good.

Also I will now take requests. not like personal, personal, but I will use your plot and people, and stufffie-uffie.

well. I need something to call yall.

well for now. BYYEE.

LOVE, Ty. +_+

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