I lived bitches

298 17 15

A/n: Summary:

Readers: hey!
Me, after months of being away: hey!
Readers, turning to look at me: w h a t-
Hey gays sorry for the hiatus I didn't say anything about. I have no excuses I'm just lazy and an idiot. It's a short boi but I hope the next one won't take 10 years to come out.


New day, new rules to break. That was the first coherent thought you had. Thinking back to it you realized you knocked out pretty quick, considering you fell asleep nearly the second you fell onto your bed. 

You turned your head and saw Hop sleeping in his bed too, it seems he hasn't woken up yet. "Whatever…" you mumbled, you didn't care but you'd like your local sunshine boy to talk to. 

After yesterday's events you had to decide things. Isn't that gross? First thing was about the therapy situation, on one hand you kind of did want it, if not only to try and be better for pretty boy. 

On the other it completely and utterly grossed you out to have his brother of all people to pay for it. Not to mention his not so subtle flex of his money while offering it to you in the process. 

You knew therapy was kind of expensive, but if you took up odd jobs (That were legal, if they weren't pretty much everyone you knew would be yelling at you) then maybe you could pay for it yourself?

You knew you were independent, maybe that's why you didn't want to use Leon's money. It just… unsettled you. You couldn't explain it. 

Now for the other thing. The plan of stealing another book. To be fair, it was an important book! But even so you asked yourself why this information was centuries old and couldn't just be on a computer. 

But if it was on a computer that would come with another set of problems, like how you or (to your knowledge) knew how to hack. And even if anyone did there's no guarantee they couldn't trace it back to us. 

Either way, it was going to be difficult, but life had always been difficult for you so whatever. But now for the actual question, should you steal it?

You knew Leon would be upset, not that you cared much for his opinion but he did have authority. A lot, actually and you've been pushing him a lot and he's bound to snap and retaliate in some way. 

But even if he didn't, nobody else wanted you to. On the other hand, you wanted this done as soon as possible. You already knew pokeballs had been hurting pokemon for a while, you finally got some evidence and you have to leave the rest to a himbo? Yeah that didn't sit well with you. 

But what could you do? You hated sitting things out, you hated not being able to do anything. You hated being helpless. Maybe that's why you lashed out so much?

Shaking your head you got out of those thoughts, not the time to self-reflect we can do that later! Some of your pokemon were waking up slowly and you assume Hop would as well. 

You had made things up with Hop, but it was still somewhat awkward, if not embarrassing for you. 'Try not to think of it too much.' You thought to yourself. 

Stretching you slowly got more conscious than before. Maybe going out in the wild area would help? It then hit you, 'oh shit Hop's still doing that challenge thing!' And you wanted to smack yourself for being such an idiot. 

You thought of it for a while, and you figured, Hop has been helping you with your problems. Why not help him with his? You were too lost in thought to notice Sylveon jump on your back. 

Yelping in surprise you jumped slightly, then heard giggling from the other pokemon. "What? Did you get scared?" Sylveon teased. You just shoved him off, "Shut up you dork." You muttered, getting the fairy type pokemon off your back. 

Hop was starting to wake up from his slumber thanks to you all being so loud. "Now look at what you did, you woke pretty boy up." You teased. 

"What?" Hop mumbled as he got up, still not fully awake. "Hey watch this." You said to Sylveon, that seemed to kickstart Hop in some way. Probably because you've said those words and then done something dumb right after. 

"Wait what-" But he got cut off by you tackling him. Hop didn't scream, looks like he's getting used to your shit finally, but he did yelp. 

It sent you into a fit of giggles seeing his surprised face. You got off him, "Morning sleeping beauty." You said as Hop only grunted, "Thanks for that, y/n." He replied dryly. 

You just laughed again, "That's what I'm here for!" You exclaimed, getting off his bed and stretching again. "Now c'mon! I heard they actually have some decent food today down at the lobby." You said trying to get Hop out of bed quicker. 

"Okay, okay! Calm down, jeez you're like a dog." He mumbled, making you snort. "But people love dogs, so it's okay." You replied as Hop got up and did his daily routineTM. 

You just sat on your bed looking at your phone, you saw some news, that's all you really used it for, besides texting and calling others anyway. 

After Hop was finally done he sat beside you, "So what dumb thing are you going to do today?" He asked, making you giggle a bit. You turned to him, "Actually," you started booping his nose. "Today we're going to follow you around." You said. 

"Huh!?" He exclaimed, you just rolled your eyes. "Oh don't be so surprised pretty boy, this was supposed to be about you and your challenge anyways." You started. "And I'm not sure what I should do from here, not yet anyways." 

"So you're going to follow me around?" He asked, you nodded. "Yeah, you befriended me and now you have to deal with the consequences." You said, Hop just rolled his eyes. "God wanted me dead and now you get to find out why." You said playfully. 

Hop just shoved you away with no real ill intent. "C'mon, you were all excited about that breakfast at the lobby, don't tell me you're going to miss it now." He joked as he walked out the room. 

"Hey, don't leave me asshole!" You yelled following him. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now