A lot of shouting

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You had just run away, Leon and Raihan made no move to chase after you while Hop only called out your name, but you didn't hear it. Hop just bit his lip, Leon trying to say something, anything, but his voice wasn't working.

Hop didn't say anything, either, and that scared Leon. His little brother almost always seemed to be talking, Hop was only staring in the direction you had run off in, silent as ever. "Hop...?" Leon asked slowly, not only worried about you but for his younger brother now.

Hop didn't say anything, and Leon distantly wondered if he had even heard him. "What... What just happened?" Leon asked mostly to himself, "They had a flashback..." Hop said in a whisper, Leon still heard him, though.

"A flashback?" Leon asked, and the moment the words came out of his mouth, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. He remembered the conversation you and Hop had, he remembered you telling Hop about your past. He finally figured out why you suddenly started crying and screaming in Raihan's arms, you had PTSD.

Guilt suddenly flooded Leon, he unintentionally gave you a flashback, fuck he did that to you, didn't he? Leon looked over to his little brother, the cold night wind sending more chills down Leon's spine. Hop didn't say a single word.

After half a minute of silence, Leon saw Hop start to walk away, "Hop? Where are you going?" Leon asked, hoping to get Hop off of his silent streak, truth be told it was kind of scaring Leon how quiet his brother was being.

Hop only turned his head to see his brother's face and gave him an unsure look before running off. "Hop!" Leon yelled out but made no move to follow him, last time Leon got involved, it ended up bad, so all Leon ended up doing was reaching his arm out half-heartedly as Hop ran farther away from him.

"What the hell just happened?" Raihan asked, and Leon just sighed, "I fucked up." He said quietly, Raihan only looked shocked, "Did you just curse? You never curse!" He exclaimed, and Leon just nodded while putting his hands over his face, "Y/n has PTSD." Leon simply said, and Raihan's face shifted to realization.

He ran his fingers through his hair, "And I accidentally made them have a flashback by holding them, didn't I?" Raihan asked, and Leon only nodded in response, "Fucccccckkkkk." Raihan stated, and Leon found himself thinking about the same thing.

"What are we going to do about this?" Raihan asked his boyfriend, and Leon only took his hands off his face and let them fall down to his sides, looking down, he answered, "We have to help them." And Raihan only rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but how, Is what I meant." Raihan said, and Leon looked unsure, "I'm... not sure, I think if anyone would know it's Hop, he's the closest to y/n besides maybe their pokemon." Leon replied, Raihan only hummed in acknowledgment.

"So, I guess we're going home 'till we can help and apologize, Hmm?" Raihan stated, and Leon just nodded, and the duo started walking to the hotel they were staying at, it wasn't the one you and Hop were staying at, it was much fancier, but that's beside the point.

And soon night time passed, and it was morning again, You had just woken up to see you in pretty boy's arms. You immediately got out of them, silently screaming and wondering how the hell you got there in the first place.

The sudden movement stirred the male in question awake, and you cursed at yourself for leaving his embrace so suddenly, and you'd never admit it, not even to yourself, but you secretly liked being held by him. It felt nice and warm, you almost wished you'd stayed there longer.

"Mmm, Y/n?" Hop asked in a tired voice, you quickly got your act together, hoping pretty boy didn't know you were in his arms last night. You pretended you had been up for a while. "Heya, Pretty boy." You said which Hop only replied to with a simple, "Hi." You only looked away silently, praying that pretty boy didn't know.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now