oh my god and they where roommates

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You'd made it into the hotel room, you'd say it seemed pretty standard, but you haven't been in enough hotel rooms to say that. 

You sat on one of the two beds provided, (yeah we are not doing the, 'and there was only one-bed' thing today gays.) And opened up your bag to get out the special booksTM. 

"What are those?" You heard Hop ask as he put his stuff down, "More books I got that may or may not help." You replied, Hop just hummed in response. 

As Playboy let all his pokemon roam free with Sylveon and Umbreon, you already knew chaos would ensue, but that's not your priority at the moment. 

You got out some books and started skimming through the pages, quickly looking to see if there were any apparent signs of information. 

You already heard Hop and the pokemon getting into trouble, you think they broke multiple somethings but like you said, not the priority. 

You got a bit of information, you finally got a name to the dude who was in that Pokeball protests a long time ago, John Williams was their name, and honestly, it was the most unoriginal name you've heard in a while, like who the hell names there kid John??? Especially with a last name that's Williams?? But whatever it doesn't matter what does matter, however, was what you found in the next book. 

It was the one that was also made by Johnny W over here, you saw his last name before in a book back in postwick but never got his first name, you saw that the glorifying of pokeballs bookTM was made by some guy named Williams and took it because maybe there was a connection and damn lookie there, you were right. 

John Williams, who was the one most prominent in the Pokeball protest, was the same one who made a book glorifying pokeballs, you were doing the math in your head and uh-huh, yep, you can confirm that this shit doesn't add the fuck up. 

You opened the book, and on each page, there was a small blank section, it was in different spots each page, but it definitely was there, and on the last page it was completely blank, no name or book title, some weird book equivalent to end credits from a movie just an empty page. 

"What's wrong, y/n?" You heard playboy ask, snapping you out of your thoughts, "what do you mean?" You asked, he looked back to you, "you've been staring at that book with an angry look for a while." He responded, and damn, you were very readable obviously. 

You grunted, "I just don't understand this." You answered, "Why? What's wrong?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to you to look at the book too. 

"The guy who made this book was the same person who was basically the leader in the Pokeball protest a while back, and there are blank spots on every page, not to mention the last page is just blank." You explained as you turned the pages to show Hop. 

He looked thoughtful for a minute before asking, "think it's invisible ink?" And you just stared at him with a blank look, "uh, what?" You asked, and he looked back to you again, "Invisible ink mate, think it's that?" He asked again, and you smacked your head loudly enough for Hop to flinch back.

"I'm such a fucking idiot." You mumbled to yourself as you searched how to reveal invisible ink. "Think it'll work?" You heard Sylveon ask, "Hell if I know." You replied, and you saw Hop turn his head to you, "Who are you talking to?" He asked. 

"Myself, I'm completely batshit insane hop I thought we've been over this." You told him not looking up from your phone. You found out what you needed to do to reveal invisible ink and prayed that this wasn't a dead end. 

It wasn't.

It was something much darker, each paragraph that was hidden corresponded with what the page was talking about, Most of it was they're personal experiences, stuff they saw and talking about different people in the protest, they're views, theories, it was all really helpful, but the last page was… different. 

It started with a warning that going on farther would get you in trouble if you didn't keep your mouth shut tight, you can't stop talking, but hey, that's not the point. 

If you can read this, it means you probably don't like pokeballs, and you shouldn't. The company has threatened and bribed everyone in the Pokeball protest to keep their mouth shut, me being the somewhat leader of the group I had to take back all I said, which is why I wrote this book. But in here isn't a lot of knowledge, all we know for sure is that the pokeballs are doing something terrible to pokemon or else they wouldn't be threatening and bribing us, their little demonstration they had to put people at ease was probably fake as hell, don't trust the company. I don't know who even is at the head of the company, they only ever sent lackeys down here to deal with us, but one of them let it slip that there's a book, one that details any and everything about pokeballs, what pokeballs actually are, anyways. 

I don't know who's reading this, I don't know how old this book is but if I were you, I'd take down the company if I could, I couldn't, but I'm hoping someone can, maybe that someone is you. 

You just stared at the book for a while, and so did Hop; it was a few minutes of only silence from both of you, rereading the paper a few more times. 

"Damn, we really gonna have to take down a whole company, huh." You finally said, and Hop looked at you in somewhat shock, "W-we?" 

"Yes we playboy, you are in this for the long haul now." You said, and his face morphed into happiness, "Does that mean you're starting to like me now that you're including me in these things, Y/N?" He asked, and you fought a small blush of embarrassment, "shut the fuck up, playboy." You said, walking away as Hop called out a "you love me!" As you walked out of the room, "I really don't!" You shot back. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now