Ho*ding h*nds is so intimate omg

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It was the next day, and at this point, you might as well follow playboy while he was going on the gym challenge, you could help more pokemon and find new information (you hope), so that's how you were here, at the same station you and Hop picked up Leon on twice. 

"Choo choo fucker, we need to get on the train." You said, shaking Hop back and forth, "Oh shIT-" He said startled. He did, however, get up and finally follow you to the train, but you all got stopped. 

"Hold it!" You heard Hop's mom say, "The fuck is it?" You asked, "Y/n, watch your mouth!" Your aunt said back quickly; you just rolled your eyes. 

"Magnolia said you two were heading out, and I'm glad someone bothered to tell us." Your aunt said, "Here, you two will need this." She said and handed you a new phone and Hop camping supplies. 

"A phone? What for?" You asked, genuinely surprised. "You're going to be in new areas pretty soon, Y/n. I know you can handle yourself, but I want you to have a phone to call someone if you need to, okay?" She said.

"Uh, yeah, okay, I guess." You replied, "Have you never gotten a phone before Y/n?" Hop asked, "No…" You slowly said, "Huh." Was all Hop said back with. 

"Anyways, we're going to head out, bye mum, and we'll be safe!" Hop exclaimed, "There's no guarantee we'll be safe, but alright." You said to which your aunt rolled her eyes to, and Hop's mom smiled nervously too. 

"Alright then, bye." You said, finally getting on the damn train as Hop followed waving to his mom. 

Inside the train, you and Hop were mostly just setting up your new phone—having never used a phone before Hop had to tell you how to use it, joy. 

But soon, the train stopped, and you thought it was a little bit too early to be in motostroke, and you were fucking right.

"We are very sorry, some wooloo got on the tracks somehow, and we can't get them off." Someone who worked there had told you and Hop, currently, you were at the station that was in some wild area, why was there a wild area? Who fucking knows, but it was there.

You soon saw Sonia exit the train too; apparently, her grandmother, Magnolia, is making her research on the darkest day and Dynamax, which had to be explained to you after you finally learned orange hairs name. 

"So is a wild area where, like, wild pokemon are?" You asked Hop as you started exiting the station, "Yeah, there's no buildings or any man-made structure here, save for a few bridges, do you not know what a wild area is y/n?" He explained.

You shook your head, "Back in Alola we had tall grass and stuff, but they were all around man made buildings, the closest thing to a wild area we had was if you went into the forest and most trainers didn't go there to catch pokemon honestly." You replied, Hop looked surprised.

"I thought every region had wild areas, do you have Dynamax in Alola?" He asked, again, you shook your head, "All we have is Z-crystals, which let your pokemon use a Z-move if you moved in the right way." You said, Hop just looked confused as you continued walking. 

You groaned, "Here, let me explain." You started, "So there is a Z-move for every type of pokemon, each Z-move is the same, but only certain people can use it." 

You continued talking, "You need to have a strong bond with your pokemon, and with each different Z-crystal, you had to move your body in a certain way for it to work." 

"You can only use a Z-move once in battle, so you have to choose wisely pretty much." You finished to which Hop had an starstruck look on his face, and you could almost see the stars in his eyes.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now