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Authors note: Sorry this one took a bit longer to get out! I rewrote the first chapter of this story because it was shit so if you want to reread that, go ahead ^^ Now onto the story!!

After pretty boy changed you both set out for the boutique, "Do I have to be here, pretty boy?" You asked, annoyed, but pretty boy remained unphased by your words. "Yes." Was all he said as you crossed your arms and sighed.

You really wanted to go to the wild area now, but everyone was against you, and you didn't want to make Hop upset do you begrudgingly went with him. What you were surprised to see was Leon in the boutique as well, "Lee?" Hop asked.

The purple-haired male turned around and smiled, "Hop!" Leon exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" He asked, and Hop just smiled sheepishly, "I'm here to get y/n some clothes, by the way, can we have some money to get y/n some clothes?" He asked quickly but with a hint of determination in his voice.

That was when Leon looked over to you, "Why does y/n need clothes?" He asked then Hop told them you only had a few pairs of clothes in total and Leon didn't say it. Still, he figured you deserved only a little bit of clothes, you were a bitch but Leon then mentally smacked himself, he was talking about a sixteen-year-old, and that was also really petty so Leon gave his little brother some money.

Hop only told him, "Thanks!" And rushed off with you, or at least he tried to, Leon had other plans, he wanted to interrogate you about your idea if you had any at least. "Ugh, Look I don't have a plan, and we really shouldn't be speaking about this in public." You answered as Leon only nodded his head.

He didn't show it, but he didn't trust y/n to not break-in, so he was going to watch y/n and Hop for at night before they did something stupid, But Leon decided to let them pick some clothes first because that'd be even weirder.

"Okay, so what kind of clothes do you like?" Hop asked suddenly, "Uh..." Was all you responded with as Hop just rolled his eyes. Truth be told, you never really got to choose your clothes, them all being hand-me-downs, and if they fit, you'd take them no matter what they were. You'd never admit it, but you always wanted to wear a skirt or some type of dress, but you would not only get in the way when you were outside but didn't want to be made fun of, so you never gave yourself a chance.

"Here, let's just walk around and see if there's anything you like." Hop suggested as you just huffed, "Fine." You answered, and Hop smiled brightly, "That's the spirit, mate!" He exclaimed as he dragged you along the boutique.

You two had walked around for quite a while and only grabbed a few things, Hop was starting to get impatient, "C'mon, mate, there's gotta be something that you like!" He exclaimed as you looked to your basket that was barren besides a shirt and two pants.

You blushed, there is something you'd like, but you were scared to show Hop, you feared he'd make fun of you. Umbreon seemed to notice your internal dilemma because she said, "I know you want to try on some of those dresses, Y/n." Which made you blush more, "Shut up, Umbreon." You said, crossing your arms.

Umbreon only rolled her eyes, "Just tell him!" She exclaimed, and you bit your lip, you really didn't want to, but Mama Umbreon here didn't seem like she was going to let up anytime soon, so you sighed and grabbed Pretty boy's hand.

He yelped in surprise, but you remained unphased, still worried that pretty boy would make fun of you, "I'm going to show you what I want to wear-" You started but got caught off by Hop, "Really!?" He asked in excitement while you hit him, halfheartedly, "Let me finish." You said as Hop nodded quickly.

"But I swear if you make fun of me, I'll break your arm." You finished, a blush still gracing your face, "Why would I make fun of you?" Hop asked honestly, and you just stopped because you were at your destination. "That's why." You said, pointing at an army of dresses, skirts, and things of that nature.

Hop was in a slightly stunned silence, You? Liking girly things? He thought he'd never live to see the day. "Wow." Was all he said, You just looked away, "Wow?" Was all you asked in response, "I never thought you'd like anything that wasn't being an asshole." He said to which you smacked his head hard; he only stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Whatever, now you know what kind of clothes I want." You said quickly and roughly, Hop, however, wasn't phased by this, "Well then, let's go try on some clothes!" Hop exclaimed, grabbing your hand and walking closer to the armageddon of dresses, "Wait, you're not going to make fun of me?" You asked simply to which Hop stopped walking and looked at you funny.

"Why would I? It's just another interest of yours, even if it is girly by society standards, I'm more or so happy we can get you more clothes." Pretty boy said, and you blushed again, but not out of embarrassment this time, it was because of the son of a bitch in front of you.

You looked away as you felt your face heat up the more you thought about what he said; you swore he was too good for you. Nobody ever really has done this for you before, besides Umbreon, Mimi, and Sylveon, But they're pokemon! And you don't have a crush on them, so that makes this infinitely different.

"Y/n?" Hop asked gently, looking over to where your head was, you looked back at him then back at the floor for a few seconds before dusting yourself off, "Whatever, let's just go buy some stupid clothes..." You said trailing off as Hop beamed, while Hop was gushing over specific dresses you smiled warmly, Life might not be the greatest right now, but at least you had Hop, and you'd do anything for the stupid bastard. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now