Breaking and enetering

414 22 10

You and Hop we're at the Pokeball factory in the dead of night, you two were going to break into this place bitches. You waited for the last worker to leave as they closed the gate and turned on the electrical fence.

Unluckily for them, you had already started digging under the fence, so you and Hop just went under it quickly, followed by Umbreon and Sylveon, your partners in crime, all here. You had entered the Pokeball factory with Playboy and your pokemon still behind you, Umbreon lit up, literally because she can do that so you and the others could see.

"So how are we going to navigate this big place, Y/n?" Hop asked beside you as you just shrugged, "Did you not think this through!?" He whispers, yelled in the darkness, and you responded in your own whisper yell with, "I just need to find where we were before so we can find that damned book! It shouldn't be that hard, Playboy!"

Playboy just nodded in response, albeit a bit reluctantly, but he did so nonetheless, So you started walking around the place, and you weren't gonna lie, the bitch was huge. You half wished there was a map of the area, but you knew there most likely none considering all the people who worked here already knew the layout.

Groaning lightly you carried on, walking on the path the tour guide was on, it was eerie now, being in a vast dark factory with nothing but the pokemon equivalent of a flashlight with you. You couldn't deny the slight course of adrenaline that always went through you when you were breaking into places.

You and Playboy had walked around for half an hour, not finding anything until, surprise surprise, you found something. You took playboys' hand, which felt nice in yours like it was made to fit each other and maybe- wait no! Not now! Getaway gay thoughts!

You shook the thoughts out of your head and pointed to a room that said "employees only," a very familiar employee-only place. You grinned like a mad man, "I think we found our little room playboy~" You said in a sing-song voice as you and Umbreon headed into the room.

A small 'hey! Wait up!' Was stuttered out by Playboy as you just stuck your tongue out at him playfully to which he huffed in annoyance, Your pokemon seemed to get a good chuckle out of your and playboys antics, But that's not the point right now! We need to find the book!

You noticed a lot of shelves, each packed to the brim with books, you let out a sigh, this'll take a while, won't it? You thought to yourself, reaching over to a bookcase as Playboy did the same. You felt the dust on your hands, noticing this place hadn't been touched in a while, let alone used.

You grumbled in annoyance, these guys were fucking idiots, they had potentially earth-shattering information at there fingertips and decided not to use it. You thought about how much you hate people as you continued to search.

It had been twenty minutes later when you found a blank spot in one of the bookshelves, you saw a sticky note and reached out for it. 'Hey, sorry for taking the book I needed it for something! I left it at chairmen Roses house, ask him if you need it!' The note read to which you, very loudly cursed.

It startled Playboy, and he asked a quick, "what?" As you shoved him, the note to which he responded with an "oh no..." You just groaned and ran your fingers through your hair, "God, I guess we really came here for fucking nothing, huh?" You said when you heard a "Hello?" And ruh ro your about to get in trouble if you don't hide and quick.

You only really saw one hiding spot, but you figured Playboy was the champions brother and seeing the champions brother breaking and entering was definitely going to cause at least a little shit you pushed him under the hidden desk and told him to stay down.

He just nodded as he curled into himself, trying to be less seen as you cursed mentally to yourself, A small plan forming in your head. Your heart was pumping a hundred miles a minute, and you told it to shut the fuck up unless it wanted us to get caught.

You saw Sylveon duck under the desk with Hop while Umbreon seemed to have a plan of her own as she didn't stop illuminating the entire damn room, you knew she was a smart pokemon so you just ducked behind a bookcase that only just barley hid you and prayed her idea would work.

The guy came in, most likely a worker, and upon seeing Umbreon let out a sigh of relief as Umbreon faked curiosity, "I thought someone was breaking in, it was just a little Umbreon." He said, but then looked down at Umbreon, "What are you doing here, little guy?" Umbreon responded with "None of your damn business, and you had to hold a hand to your mouth to stop from laughing.

To the guy, it just sounded like a pokemon cry, so he just chuckled. "I just need to find that book, and I'll take you back outside, alright?" He asked, and Umbreon just cried in confirmation, the guy walked around the room for around the same time you did.

He almost found you one too many times, you had to keep moving until "Oh forget it, I'll just find it tomorrow." He said and walked out with Umbreon behind him. Umbreon quickly told you she'll wait for you outside, and you could swear you heard a small gasp from someone, maybe you were just going insane, who knows.

You walk out of your hiding spot after a few minutes and say, "Okay, Sylveon, Playboy, you can come out now." And they slowly come out from behind the desk, "Guess we should be leaving too, huh?" You said, and Hop and Sylveon nodded as you exited the room and soon the entire building. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now